
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition with Strong’s Numbers (NRSVueS)

Prod ID: NRSVueS
Retail: $29.90 / Accordance: $19.90 / Sale Price: $11.90

Strong’s Numbers Tagging does not cover the Apocrypha.

The goal of the NRSVue is to offer a readable and accurate version of the Holy Bible to the global English-speaking community for public worship and personal study, for scholarship and study in classrooms, and for informing faith and action in response to God.

The NRSVue extends the New Revised Standard Version’s (NRSV) purpose to deliver an accurate, readable, up-to-date, and inclusive version of the Bible. It also continues the work of offering a version as free as possible from the gender bias inherent in the English language, which can obscure earlier oral and written renditions. The NRSVue, like the NRSV, follows “in the tradition of the King James Bible, [introducing] such changes as are warranted on the basis of accuracy, clarity, euphony, and current English usage,… as literal as possible, as free as necessary” (NRSV’s preface “To the Reader”). As also stated in the NRSV preface, the Bible’s message “must not be disguised in phrases that are no longer clear or hidden under words that have changed or lost their meaning; it must be presented in language that is direct and plain and meaningful to people today.”

Strong’s numbers have been added throughout the Old and New Testaments. The NRSVueS module offers users the ability to amplify to Hebrew and Greek dictionaries and perform searches based on Strong’s numbers.

Product Details

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Accessory ModulesNRSVue NotesNRSVue NotesN/A
Accessory ModulesNRSVue2NRSVue2N/A
Accessory ModulesNRSVue2 NotesNRSVue2 NotesN/A

Where to Find

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition with Strong’s Numbers (NRSVueS) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Collection BundlesLutheran Basic BundleLutheran Basic Bible Study Package39.90
Collection BundlesLutheran Advanced BundleLutheran Advanced Study Package124.99


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