This post continues our look at ministers who use Accordance. If you would like to share your story, please email [email protected].
I love to study, learn, and grow. I feel fidgety when I don’t have a book to read and grow anxious when I can’t explore new avenues. This is one of the reasons I love Accordance so much!
Accordance allows me to narrow in on a singular passage and to explore whatever level of depth I can afford at the time. When I need to explore a similar idea in another part of the Bible, commentary, or even a map, I simply open a new tab and dive in. Even better, my rabbit trails are easy to mark. Saved workspaces narrow my study focus, user notes highlight study I’ve already done on individual verses, and user tools store my personal refections on the passages I end up studying.
Using Accordance means I never have to feel I need to include every detail in a sermon or lesson, because I can always get back to my thoughts. It allows me to go deep over the long-term, and is a tool which has helped me become a better student and preacher.
Wes Allen
Pastor, Central Baptist Church of Riverton-Palmyra, New Jersey
Associate Regional Pastor and Communications Coordinator
The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey
Way back in 2011, Wes Allen wrote an installment of our Pastor’s Study series. Still just as relevant, see his post, “Gathering Thoughts in User Tools.”