Although a designation like “12.2” might seem like this is merely another interim release for Accordance with a few minor changes and bug fixes, there’s a whole lot more here than that. In fact, Accordance 12.2 is a major update with significant new features. And best of all, it’s absolutely free for current Accordance 12 users!
So, what’s new in Accordance 12.2? Here are some of the major new features and updates:
Integrated Web Browser
At first, you might be asking, “Why would I want a web browser in Accordance?” I can sum up the main advantage in one phrase: the power of the Accordance contextual menu. Let’s say you’re in the LSJ unabridged lexicon, and in one entry, there’s a link to the Greek text in reference from the Perseus Digital Library website. Click on that link and the Perseus webpage loads in Accordance. Since the page is within Accordance, you can right click on a Greek word from Perseus and amplify to any of your Greek texts, lexicons, or other tools within Accordance. Want to include the excerpt from Perseus in a personal note next to the reference in LSJ? Simply copy the text and paste it into your note.
Or perhaps from Accordance, you go to File: New Tab: Web Browser. You go to a webpage to get up to speed on a biblical or theological topic. You come across an unfamiliar term, and you’re curious as to whether the content in your personal Accordance Library covers this concept. Select the term from the webpage, pull up the contextual menu, go to Research, and search all your dictionaries at once for this term.
Another bonus: whenever you click on the Help button in Accordance, you no longer have to leave the app. Follow the instructions in the Accordance Help system step by step right beside your Accordance search window.
Run web apps from within Accordance. If you use an online app like Google Docs, you can now have the document you’re working on right inside Accordance next to your research! In the same way, any web-based app, including Kindle Cloud Reader or even competing Bible software platforms which have versions of their software on the web can now be integrated into an Accordance Zone.
My Toolset
Introduced with Accordance 11, the Info Pane dramatically changed how many of us use Accordance. Suddenly there was a wealth of knowledge on any verse in the Bible that dynamically changed on the fly a fast as one could scroll through the text. Over time, we’ve added new sections to the Info Pane, but requests have continued. Why not a section for journals? historical writings? lexicons? …and so on.
With the addition of My Toolset to the Info Pane, you can now add any title from your personal Accordance Library that you’d like to include in your research and study. Want to see when the Church Fathers commented on a particular verse? Add them to My Toolset. Journals? Add as many as you like!
When you add a title to My Toolset, Faster than you can blink an eye, Accordance scans that work to see if it references your verse. Preview in Instant Details and then click on the cover image in the Info Pane for Accordance to immediately runs a verse-specific search and display all the hits for you to see.
Add titles to My Toolset by clicking on the Action button (that little gear icon) next to the My Toolset title in the Info Pane. There you will be presented with the same folder structure of your personal Accordance Library, allowing you to add any title you want.
Paper exports to .docx and other improvements
Have a Paper document you need to share with someone who doesn’t have Accordance? Now you export your file to .docx (MS Word) format in addition to RTF, plain text, or printing to PDF. Paper documents also supports user-created endnotes through a contextual menu or the new asterisk (*) icon in the Paper toolbar.
Syntax Improvements
Syntax trees have been visually improved with many new features. Antecedents are now more clearly visible in the syntax tree. Clause depth searching can now be restricted to stay within the clause boundaries. ETCBC searching has been improved to better handle or ignore subphrase elements.
Handoff Support
Accordance can be used with Apple’s Handoff feature, allowing your Mac and iOS devices to automatically pass what you are doing from one device to another. For more information about using Handoff with Accordance, see “Use Handoff Between Devices” in Accordance Help for the Mac.
Syncing Improvements
Stacks and Papers can now be synced via Dropbox to any other installation of Accordance 12 on Windows or Mac.
New Localization Improvements
Localization of Accordance can now be set in the Appearance section of Accordance Preferences, separate from System localization. Also, there is a new localization for Simplified Chinese.
Updated Picture Popover Interface
Click on an image in any Accordance Tool to see an entirely new interface for zooming in an out and opening a photo in a separate Zone. Plus, there’s now a new expand icon for viewing the image full screen.
These features are just the tip of the iceberg. Accordance 12.2 is the most significant update since version 12 was released over a year ago. For a more complete list of new features, changes, and bug fixes, see our “New Features Since 12” page.