We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of A Continental Commentary (20 volumes) from Fortress Press for the Accordance Library.
This series consists of 19 volumes on the biblical text (16 Old Testament and 3 New Testament) and one volume serving as an extended excursus on the theology of the Psalms. A Continental Commentary stands out as a series that offers English translations of European (primarily French and German) commentators in English. However, Jacob Milgrom, who wrote the Leviticus volume is an Israeli American.
Volumes in A Continental Commentary are fairly technical, assuming a working knowledge of biblical languages; however, any highly-motivated reader with limited biblical language experience should be able to make use of them. The format of the volumes can roughly be compared to that of the Word Biblical Commentary with variations of the following structure in most volumes: bibliographies by section, author translations with extensive translation notes, analysis of passages, interpretation, summary, and history of influence.
Tap/click the image above for a larger view of A Continental Commentary in Accordance 13 for Windows.
Tap/click the image above for a larger view of Kraus’ Theology of the Psalms in Accordance on the iPad.
A Continental Commentary boasts a wide variety of well-known (mostly) European scholarship. I’ve listed the volumes below along with links to reviews in Accordance journals.
Genesis 1-11 (Claus Westermann)
Genesis 12-36 (Claus Westermann)
Genesis 37-50 (Claus Westermann)
Leviticus (Jacob Milgrom)
Review by Robert B. Chisholm Jr., Bibliotheca Sacra
Review by Richard P. Belcher, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Ruth (André LaCocque)
Review by N. Blake Hearson, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
1 & 2 Kings (Volkmar Fritz)
Review by Claude F. Mariottini, Review & Expositor
Psalms 1-59 (Hans-Joachim Kraus)
Psalms 60-150 (Hans-Joachim Kraus)
Theology of the Psalms (Hans-Joachim Kraus)
Qoheleth (Norbert Lohfink)
Review by William D. Barrick, Master’s Seminary Journal
The Song of Songs (Othmar Keel)
Review by Bill T. Arnold, Ashland Theological Journal
Review by G. Lloyd Carr, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Summary by Mark Biddle, Review & Expositor
Isaiah 1-22 (Hans Wildberger)
Isaiah 13-27 (Hans Wildberger)
Review by John N. Oswalt, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Isaiah 28-39 (Hans Wildberger)
Obadiah & Jonah (Hans Walter Wolff)
Micah (Hans Walter Wolff)
Haggai (Hans Walter Wolff)
Matthew 1-7 (Ulrich Luz)
Galatians (Dieter Lührmann)
Review by Moisés Silva, Westminster Theological Journal
The Revelation of John (Jürgen Roloff)
Currently, A Continental Commentary is only available as a set of 20 volumes. Introductory pricing is available for a limited time.
A Continental Commentary (20 Volumes)
List Price $895
Regular Price $599