Regarding Harold Hoehner’s massive commentary on Ephesians, eminent New Testament Scholar, I. Howard Marshall said this:
This is probably the most detailed modern English commentary on the Greek text of Ephesians, combined with a thorough defense of its Pauline authorship and its Ephesian destination. Every facet of the text is examined with great care and exegetical skill, and the range of scholarly literature surveyed and assessed is encyclopedic. Despite the wealth of information and discussion, the material is presented with clarity and simplicity. The careful considerations of each exegetical possibility make this a work that will be indispensable for all serious students of Ephesians.
The late Dr. Harold Hoehner, professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary for over three decades, has written what may be the most thorough treatment in modern times of Paul’s letter to the believers at Ephesus. At almost 1,000 pages in print, Hoehner’s commentary on Ephesians will remain his lasting legacy to New Testament scholarship for generations to come.
As many know, Dr. Hoehner was a longtime Accordance user, and as he mentions in his preface, Accordance Bible Software was instrumental in the development of his Ephesians commentary. We have to believe that Dr. Hoehner would be pleased to see his commentary finally find a place in the Accordance Library. And although he passed away in 2009, a year before the release of the iPad, no doubt he would recommend Accordance Mobile as the easiest way to carry his massive treatment on Ephesians on-the-go for use in any context.
In the commentary itself, Hoehner begins with a helpful introduction to the letter of Ephesians in which he addresses issues of authorship, structure and genre, historical setting, purpose, and theology. At the end of the introduction, the author includes a detailed bibliography for further reading. Hoehner then delves into the text of Ephesians verse by verse, offering the Greek text, English translation, and detailed commentary. He interacts extensively with the latest scholarship and provides a fair and thorough discussion of every disputed point in the book.
The exhaustive nature of the commentary should not be misunderstood as assuming it to be either dry or difficult reading. Pastors, students, and scholars looking for a comprehensive treatment on Ephesians will be interested in this commentary. Hoehner’s interaction with the latest scholarship combined with his detailed exegesis and personal faith commitments will make this commentary a primary resource when studying or teaching Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
Click on the image above for a larger view of Hoehner’s Ephesians Commentary in Accordance.
Hoehner’s Ephesians commentary fully integrates into the Accordance Library. It can be used in parallel with the Greek New Testament or any Bible translation. Users can also use it as a reference for amplifying words in other texts, and it will be invaluable for inclusion in the Accordance 11 Research window.
Accordance developers have painstakingly examined the entire text of Hoehner’s commentary and have meticulously tagged the content according to the following fields: Reference, Titles, English Content, Scripture, Greek Content, Hebrew Content, Transliteration, Translation, Manuscripts, Bibliography and Page Numbers. Such detailed categorization allows for quick and accurate access to the precise content needed.