Accordance 13 Reviews

A quick review of the new Accordance 13 features by Kevin Purcell. “As a person becomes familiar with the program, it has the advanced research and study tools to accomplish just about any Bible study task.”

Thomas Hieke, Old Testament Professor at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, provides a review of Accordance 13 in German.

Accordance 12 Reviews

David Agron, managing editor at Christian Academia Magazine and an accreditation consultant, describes the importance of Bible Software for students in his article, “Bible Software No Theological Student Should Graduate Without“. In his article, Agron compares the major features, advantages, packages and prices of Accordance and Logos. 
Christian Academia Magazine, June 1, 2018

JK Swopes is a “husband, father, minister, tech consultant, educator, and food lover.” He provides a video review of Accordance 12 to discuss what he likes about Accordance. “I like a clean interface, I like powerful tools, and I like when technology works fast while staying out of the way….all things that Accordance handles without any issues.” (September 2018)

A review of Accordance 12 Triple Discoverer Collection by Rafael Bampi de Oliveira in English as well as Portuguese.

An exhaustive review of Accordance 12 Triple Discoverer Collection by Grzegorz Olek in Polish. “Accordance surprises with its efficiency, beautiful graphics and photos, and adaptability to the preferences of the user.” (September 2018)

Randy A. Brown published a thorough review of the English Discoverer and Graphics Learner Collections for Accordance 12 for Windows and concluded:
“Every task that I did with Accordance 12 was fast. Many times I’ve done a search and waited for the screen to change to show me the results only to realize that it had already changed. Accordance is the fastest Bible app that I’ve used…”
“Accordance 12 is a power house of an app yet intuitive to use at the same time. It’s a great app for Bible study, preparing sermons and class work, writing papers, and even casual reading.
Bible Buying Guide, Jan 10, 2017

Timothee Minard has updated his extensive comparative reviews in French for Accordance 12. He provides an introduction, a full online review, a PDF version, and a review of new features with a video presentation. (January 2017)

Chris Lim, founder of TheoTech, provided a review of the Accordance 12 English Learner Collection. “I think people seeking an intuitive way to explore the Bible in its original languages will find Accordance very accessible and useful.” (February 2017)

Accordance 11 Reviews

Review of Accordance 11 vs. Bible Works 10 by Dr. Hans-Georg Wünch, Academic Dean at Theologisches Seminar Rheinland (TSR), Hebrew lecturer at Theologische Hochschule Ewersbach (THE) and Research Fellow at the Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies, University of Pretoria (UNISA). English version was published in Journal for Semitics (JSem), 25/1 (2016), pp 457-466 and the German version was published in Jahrbuch für evangelikale Theologie (JETH), 30 (2016), Witten: SCM-Verlag, pp 69-77

“Once a technological breakthrough embeds itself within the rhythms of life, it becomes rather difficult to conceive of its absence.” This review of Accordance 11 (PDF) by Scott N. Callaham of Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore in the Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (5.1) (July 2016) evaluates Accordance and BibleWorks from the perspective of biblical Hebrew and OT scholarship.

“…the upgrade to version 11 is a must have enhancement for any Accordance user. This update once more underlines the leading position of Accordance among Bible software options.” (Review by Eike Mueller, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Philippines)

I am thrilled with Accordance 11, writes Jason DeRouchie in Bulletin for Biblical Research 25.2 (PDF) (2015)… Accordance is the most powerful and user-friendly Bible study software on the market, and with the enhancements found in Accordance 10 and 11, the program has become even more accessible and beneficial…

Joey Parker says Accordance “has exceeded my expectations” in his review of Accordance 11. (August 2015)

Kevin Purcell endorsed the new features in version 2 of our free mobile app on his blog (July 16, 2015), and discussed 11 tricks for mastering Accordance in Ministry Tech (September 2015).

“Serious students of the Bible should strongly consider investing in a Bible software program, and Accordance should rightly be a top choice.” Justin J. Evans in The Pentecostal Educator, Vol.2, No 2, Fall 2015

Not exactly a review, but Timothée Minard posted a speed test video comparison of four Bible Software programs (July 13, 2015).

“Accordance is fantastic, brilliant! I use it every day.” Dr. A. H. Bogaards reviews Accordance 11 for Windows in both Afrikaans and English on his website (June 18, 2015)

Joel Watts has completed his Review of Accordance Version 11 and the Original Language Collection. He concludes: “The speed, efficiency, and resource management Accordance 11 offers is, by far, the best in the business. Added to this is a non-taxing learning curve, Accordance 11 is ideal for anyone seeking to engage Scripture and biblical studies in the 21st century while building a library that is expansive, manageable, and always present.” (Feb. 27, 2015)

In French: Updated comparative review on his website, and in a PDF by Timothée Minard (February 2015). He also posted a video and discussion of the new features in version 11 (November 2014)

A broad comparison of Accordance and Logos by Dustin Battles was published on Rooted Thinking (December 15, 2014)

What to Love About Accordance: Abram K-J highlights 7 noteworthy new features in Accordance 11 (December 10, 2014)

Accordance Bible 11 Features and Overview by Joel Watts (December 4, 2014)

In the (e)mail form is an intro to Accordance 11 by Joel Watts (November 11, 2014)

First Impressions of Accordance 11 by Abram K-J: two major new features that immediately make themselves indispensable (November 10, 2014)

Accordance 10 Reviews

In German: A review of Accordance 10 by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hieke, Director, Gutenberg Research College.

A review of Accordance 10 by Kenneth Bergland, Old Testament, Graduate Student of Andrews University.

In French: An in-depth comparative review of 4 software programs by Timothée Minard, published in Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses (2014)

Accordance—The Photoshop of Bible Software: review by Preston Sprinkle (September 15, 2014)

Nick Norelli blogged about the Essential Collection: “Just about everything that Accordance does, it does extremely well.” (July 29, 2014)

“Accordance is what you need to get the job done” — the conclusion of a thorough review by Shane Rice, a long term user of other Bible software (July 25, 2014)

Jay Guin shares his first impressions of Accordance for Windows on his blog (July 19, 2014) –– He reviews the iOS App as well (July 24, 2014)

Mark Wreford says that “Accordance Bible Software is the stuff of dreams” in a review in Direction Magazine (August 2014)

TJ Luoma at declared that Accordance 10 Changes Everything for the Better (December 20, 2012)

Review of Accordance 10 Ultimate Collection by Brian Tabb of Bethlehem College and Seminary

On the release of Accordance for Windows Dr. Rod Decker compares several Bible study software systems (October 1, 2013)

Accordance Bible Rides Again – First Impressions of version 10 by Donovan Palmer

Accordance 10 is Here by Kevin Purcell

Accordance Bible Software v. 10: Modern Look with More Power by Richard Mansfield

Three Reasons to Upgrade to Accordance 10 by Adam Lowe

A series of posts by a new user, Abram Kielsmeier-Jones on Accordance 10 and Beale-Carson, at Words on the Word, listed here.

A Worthy Update by Robert Velarde

Ultimate Collection review by Dominic Bornand, published in Andrews University Seminary Studies vol 51 no.1, Spring 2013

Accordance 10 Review by Johannes Otto published in Glauben und Denken Heute January 2013

Thank you for your speedy and very positive impressions.

Product Reviews

  • The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (9 Volumes)  An in-depth review of EGGNT in Accordance by Brian Davidson.
  • Seventh Day Adventist products In this informal video, you will see ways in which Adventist materials within Accordance enhance and accelerate your study experience. (see Andrews Univeristy Press Essential Bundle and Ellen G. White Collection) Also this review by Roy E. Gane (Andrews University) of Adventist materials now available in Accordance.
  • WJK’s OT/NT Library Series (Commentary and Companion Volumes) A review by Joel L. Watts, “the [OT/NT] Library is solidly important to the reader of Scripture as well as to those who are critically engaged in an ancient text continuing to make waves across the world.” A review by Wesley T. Allen of “If you’re in search of a commentary which is unapologetic in its academic bent, the OTL/NTL bundle is worth the purchase price. Its moderate Reformed slant and included topical studies reflect some of the highlights of Protestant scholarship.” In this review, Abram Kielsmeier-Jones provides “a short video demonstrate of how to smartly search the modules via different search fields.” A review by Jason S. DeRouchie of Bethlehem College & Seminary (Themelios: Volume 43, Issue 1: April 2018): “We should not downplay the significance of what Accordance has supplied in giving the WJK Library Bundle in a digital format….Accordance is portable, flexible, and affordable….Accordance is user-friendly, allowing you to search with lightning speed decades of scholarship and thousands of pages of careful study.” (Review begins on the bottom of page 91 of the pdf. From the cover page, click “Book Reviews” > “WJK Library Bundle”.)

Reviews of Accordance 9 and earlier

Clinton Wahlen and Cliff Goldstein covered version 9 on the Mac and the iPhone/iPad app in The BRI Newsletter, October 2011.

Thomas Gilson compared Logos and Accordance as part of a series on The Electronic Student.

James R. McConnell reviewed 9.2.1 in Perspectives in Religious Studies, vol 39.3, Fall 2012, pages 299-300 (requires ATLA subscription).

Andrew Pitts published an illustrated review in Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism Volume 8 2011-2012

Donovan Palmer reviews Accordance (pdf) after some years of experience (Jan 3, 2012)

Ken Ristau’s Anduril website includes a multi-page evaluation of Accordance 9 (Nov. 10, 2010) (Updated Sept 4, 2011)

In Jack Zavada reviews the Library Premier package from the viewpoint of a new Mac user who has never used Bible software before (Aug 24, 2011)

Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie published a review in German of Accordance 9 by Boris Repschinski, which is posted on the Universität Innsbruck website (May 23, 2011)

Dr. Repschinksi has now kindly provided an English translation. This review is unusual in that he discusses the quality of the texts and tools available in Accordance, as well as covering in detail the features of Accordance and the search capabilities (Aug 19, 2011)

Kevin Purcell reviewed Accordance 9 (pdf) for Christian Computing Magazine (June 29, 2011)

Asbury Journal Spring 2011 includes a serious review by Michael D. Matlock and Jason R. Jackson.

The influential SvenOnTech website posted a very positive review by Robert Harder (pdf) on Accordance 9 Bible Software (Feb 25, 2011)

Jim Hamilton of SBTS posted a review on his blog from the viewpoint of a new Mac user (Jan 11, 2011)

David Instone-Brewer of Tyndale Tech has posted a thorough review of Accordance which includes a number of excellent how-to tips (Dec 7, 2010)

Sean Reed invested many hours in one of the most thorough reviews of Accordance (pdf) that we have ever seen. It imakes an excellent introduction to Accordance especially for the seminary student. He hopes to add reviews of other Bible Software on his website (Oct. 7, 2010)

Accordance 9 is another big step forward in Bible study software is TJ Luoma’s conclusion on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (Sept. 24, 2010)

Ralf Kaemper wrote a review of the Studienbibel CD-ROM in German for PERSPEKTIVE.

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) generated a lively discussion on Sept. 23, 2009 when it posted TJ Luoma’s review of Accordance, which focussed mainly on how to buy Accordance.

Rubén Gómez’ posted a thoughtful, thorough, well-written, and extensively illustrated review of Accordance on his Bible Software Review Blog (August 6, 2009)

Keith Mathison illustrated a nice review of Accordance on the Ligonier blog (July 22, 2009)

On May 26, 2009 Timothy Butler of Open for Business posted the first of three reviews titled A Close Look a OakTree’s Accordance.

– Part I focuses on its usefulness for Basic Bible Study.
– The review for Advanced Bible Study was posted on June 8, and covers more scholarly aspects and the Atlas.
– Part III: Tallying Up the Value discusses why Accordance is a worthwhile investment, and was posted on June 18, 2009.

These independent, original, well-written, and in-depth reviews are a must-read for anyone who is unsure whether Accordance is right for them.

Tony W. Cartledge, Contributing Editor to “Baptists Today”, conjured up a review for his blog and the journal titled Working Bible magic (pdf) (June 1, 2009)

Ron Kubsch published another review of Accordance (pdf) in German in “Bibel und Gemeinde” (2009)

The Journal of Jewish Studies is publishing a review of the Jewish Collection by Timothy Lim and John Starr (Spring 2009)

In December 2008, featured a review by Kenton C. Anderson of ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University which focuses on the value to preachers

Dr. Bernhard Lang, editor of the International Review of Biblical Studies, wrote 4 short reviews of Accordance packages (2006)

World of Apple published an extensive review and giveaway by Dizzle (Nov 17, 2008)

Mark Kellner reviewed Accordance in the Washington Times (Oct 20, 2008)

Brian Irwin reviewed the Scholar’s Collection 7.4 in Toronto Journal of Theology vol 22/1.

A thorough review in German by Ron Kubsch has appeared in MBSaktuell Ausgabe 1/2008 Nr. 1, pp. 11–14.

Mark Ward wrote an article on Choosing Bible Software, published in Today’s Christian Preacher, Volume 15, Number 1, Summer 2007.

Robert Plummer in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (Winter 2006)

Sven Rafferty gave a positive review of Accordance (pdf) on his SvenOnTech website (November 2006)

Ken Ristau has published a comparative review (PDF) of the morphologically tagged Greek texts on different platforms (May 2006)

An excellent and extensive review of Accordance by Frank Ritchel Ames has been published on the SBL Forum (September 2005)

Tyler F. Williams posted an article on Graphical Searches: Logos and Accordance Compared in his Codex: Blogspot (August 2005)

Andreas J. Kostenberger review of Accordance on the PC Emulator in JETS (March 2005)

Tyler F. Williams review of Accordance in his Codex: Resources for Biblical Studies (April 2005)

Rubén Gómez review of Accordance 5.5 in (2004) on his website

Ken Ristau review of Accordance (PDF) in Faith Today (May 2004)

Scott Callaham review of Accordance with the PC Emulator (PDF) in Southwestern Journal of Theology (May 2004)

Ted Baehr review of Accordance in MovieGuide (October 2003)

MacWorld 4 1/2 Mice Lisa Schmeiser regarding Accordance 5.2 “Anyone who’s interested in studying the Bible would do well to invest in Accordance.” (September 2003)

Jeff Cavins endorsement of Accordance (September 2003)