Few scholars have had the kind of lasting impact as that of Frederick Fyvie Bruce (1910 – 1990). Classically trained in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, F. F. Bruce is best known for his writings on the New Testament; however, he never had formal education in theology or biblical studies. In fact, F. F. Bruce never even pursued an earned doctoral degree of his own (he did hold numerous honorary doctorates), although he supervised scores of doctoral dissertations over his career. From 1959 to his retirement in 1978, F. F. Bruce served as Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester. A prolific writer, F. F. Bruce wrote over 50 books and is known especially for his work on the Letters of Paul and biblical backgrounds.
F. F. Bruce and Kingsley Commentary Bundle (5 Volumes)
This bundle contains the two-volume Open Your Bible Commentary from Kingsley Books and three commentaries by F. F. Bruce from Kingsley Books.
- Open Your Bible Commentary (2 Volumes): The Open Your Bible Commentary was written to encourage daily Bible study. Each reading is short, but don’t let the brevity fool you! The content is rich with careful explanation, devotional warmth, and practical relevance. It is in two volumes, Old Testament and New Testament, each containing nearly 1,000 daily readings. Contributors include: F. F. Bruce, I. Howard Marshall, Leon Morris, Derek Kidner, H. L. Ellison, and others.
Commentaries by F. F. Bruce:
- Acts: A Bible Study Commentay (2017): Written as part of Scripture Union’s Bible Study Commentary series, which encourages regular, systematic personal Bible reading, this commentary is also designed as a resource manual for group study. Acts is a pivotal book in the New Testament, says Bruce, “for it provided the sequel to the Gospels and the background to the apostolic letters.” PLEASE NOTE: F. F. Bruce also wrote a larger (580 pages) and more scholarly commentary on Acts as part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT) series. That larger volume has been called “one of the best commentaries on this book of Scripture.” This book is a shorter and more popular commentary on Acts. It reflects both Bruce’s careful study of Acts as well as his passion for proclaiming the Bible as God’s guide for our lives.
- Epistle to the Ephesians: A New Presentation of His Classic (1961/2012): A thorough verse-by-verse exposition of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. This book is intended for the general Christian reader who is interested in serious Bible study, not for the professional or specialist student. Therefore Bruce deals only lightly with textual, linguistic and other critical questions. His main aim is to bring out the meaning and message of Paul’s Epistle.
- The Epistles of John (1970/2018): Originally written as a series of magazine articles for The Witness, F. F. Bruce’s exposition and introduction to the Epistles of John is amazingly relevant today. His insights speak sharply but lovingly. Drawing on his years of scholarship, Bruce presents the meaning of the epistles in a straightforward and understandable way, touching only lightly on textual, critical, and linguistic questions.
F. F. Bruce and Kingsley Commentary Bundle (5 Volumes)
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F. F. Bruce Apologetics and Early Church Bundle (5 Volumes)
- The Deity of Christ: Was Jesus a Fraud or Was He God? (2018): Recognizing that the doctrine of the deity of Christ was under attack, Dr. William J. Martin, lecturer at University of Liverpool, and F. F. Bruce, professor at the University of Manchester, wrote a little book stating the case for the deity of Christ “with biblical reverence and theological power,” said Christianity Today.
- Defending First-Century Faith: Christian Witness in the New Testament (2017): What is the gospel? And how was its first preached–and defended? Opposition of many kinds–religious, political, and cultural–met the early Christians in their eagerness to tell the world about Jesus Christ. The kinds of opposition they faced still exist in new guises and we can learn much from the sensitive way the apostles tackled them. While adapting their approach, the early Christians never watered down their message.
- The Spreading Flame: The Rise and Progress of Christianity from Its First Beginnings to Eighth-Century England (2017): This story of the early Christian church – from its infancy to the conversion of the English in about A.D. 800 – pictures a church that is an unquenchable spiritual force organized for tribulation. Its spiritual resources are never stronger than in times of seeming disaster. Bruce gives the reader a feel for the evangelistic fervor of the Apostles and the early Christians in a narrative filled with solid, well-reasoned, richly researched facts.
- What the Bible Says about the Work of Christ: Jesus Past, Present and Future (2018): Who was Jesus? What did He do? What is He doing now? And what is He going to do? F. F. Bruce lets the Bible speak for itself in this brief but illuminating introduction to the past, present, and future work of Jesus.
- In Retrospect: Autobiographical Remembrances (2017): In Retrospect: Remembrances of Things Past is an intimate self-portrait of the life and times of F. F. Bruce, one of the evangelical world’s most beloved and influential biblical scholars.
F. F. Bruce Apologetics and Early Church Bundle (5 Volumes)
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F. F. Bruce Biblical Formation Bundle (5 Volumes)
- Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls: The First Book to Read about the Story, the Scrolls, and Their Significance (1964/2017): F. F. Bruce’s account of finding the Dead Sea Scrolls and learning of their importance will make you feel as if you are making the discoveries yourself. This edition is an excellent introduction to “the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times.” F. F. Bruce’s balanced and thoughtful book answers the questions readers still want to know about the story, the Qumran community, the scrolls, and their significance for Christianity and biblical studies.
- New Testament History: The Jews, the Romans, and the Church – Its Religious, Political, and Philosophical Context (2018): The story of the New Testament is best understood when it is set in its historical context, which is what F. F. Bruce does brilliantly in this book. He begins by explaining the political, social, intellectual, and religious aspects of the Jewish people after their return from exile. The life and ministry of Jesus is then set within that culture.
- The New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes: Seven Old Testament Themes Perfectly Fulfilled in Jesus Christ (2018): To understand the Old Testament themes that were fulfilled in Jesus, we need to understand Old Testament thought. F. F. Bruce reveals the context of the New Testament writers’ understanding of the Old Testament by focusing on seven Old Testament themes—the rule of God over all creation, the salvation of God, the victory of God, the people of God, the son of David, the servant messiah, and the shepherd king.
- Understanding Biblical Criticism: What It Is; What It Does; Why It Matters (2017): The term “biblical criticism” simply means discerning the most accurate text of the Bible (“textual criticism”) and then exploring issues such as who wrote the various books of the Bible, when they were written, and the circumstances of the writing (“higher criticism”). Yet because the word “criticism” can imply fault-finding and because some prominent biblical critics come to their study with a skepticism of the historical value of the Bible, biblical criticism often stirs up suspicion or even hostility. F. F. Bruce assures us that we don’t have to be afraid of biblical criticism.
- The Books and the Parchments: Original Languages, Canon, Transmission, and How We Got Our English Bible (2018): The Books and the Parchments is a classic text on the history and origins of the Bible. It explains the languages in which the Bible was written, how the books of the Bible were chosen, and the Bible’s transmission and translation – from the earliest translations to the most popular English versions.
F. F. Bruce Biblical Formation Bundle (5 Volumes)
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F. F. Bruce New Testament People of Influence Bundle (4 Volumes)
- Peter, Stephen, James, and John: Studies in Non-Pauline Diversity in the Early Church (2017): This concise and scholarly study describes four of the non-Pauline movements in the early church, each of which can be identified with a particular leader: Peter, acknowledged leader of the apostles; Stephen and the Hellenists (Jews who spoke Greek culturally and linguistically); James and the Church of Jerusalem; and John and his circle, including his influence at Ephesus.
- The Pauline Circle: Engaging Portraits of Paul’s Friends, Co-workers, Hosts, and Hostesses (2017): The New Testament evidence for Paul’s wide circle of friends is plentiful, both in Paul’s own writings and in the Book of Acts. In each of the first ten chapters, Professor Bruce engagingly pictures one of Paul’s associates: Ananias and the disciples at Damascus, Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Luke, Priscilla and Aquila, Apollos, Titus, Onesimus, and Mark. The last two chapters briefly introduce co-workers and hosts and hostesses, who “had no other motive in being so helpful than love of Paul and love of the Master whom he served.” In creating these portraits, Bruce examines the relationships of the first-century Christians and gives a clear understanding of people who influenced the New Testament church.
- Paul and His Converts: How Paul Nurtured the Churches He Planted (2017): In this commentary on five of Paul’s letters— to the churches in Corinth, Thessalonica, and Philippi—F. F. Bruce focuses on Paul’s pastoral care and the growth of the people he loved so much. Since we face today so many of the problems and issues Paul and his converts faced, this book acts as a guide for growth.
- The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase (2017): This book is perhaps the most accessible introduction to the writings of St. Paul ever written in modern English. That’s because Professor Bruce does not approach his “expanded paraphrase” as a Bible translator, but as a storyteller recounting the life of Paul after his conversion and his correspondence with churches and individuals. Bruce’s historical setting of the letters and his effort to make the “course of Paul’s argument as clear as possible” will open familiar passages with new insight and understanding.
F. F. Bruce New Testament People of Influence Bundle (4 Volumes)
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F. F. Bruce Complete Bundle (19 Volumes)
F. F. Bruce Complete Bundle (19 Volumes)
Regular Price $119
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