Well, the migration took longer than what we expected or were told, but the Accordance User Forums are now back up! You will definitely notice a new and more streamlined look and feel, and there are lots of improvements not immediately noticeable on the surface in the way these forums work. The biggest immediate change for regular Forum users is going to relate to how you log in. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
- Ever since the beginning of the Accordance Forums 16 years ago, logins were totally separate from your purchase account. You could use the same login and password if you wanted, but if you changed the password on one account, it wouldn’t affect the other account. Now we have moved to using one login and password for both the Forums and your Accordance purchases. That means you must login to the forums using your accordancebible.com purchase account email address or user name. Old Forum user name logins won’t work.
- If, for some reason, you had an Accordance Forums account but had never purchased Accordance or had a separate account at accordancebible.com, you should still be able to log in. However, you will need to reset your password to do this. To do this, select “Lost your password?” and enter your old Forums display name or email address. This will allow you to set a new password that will be used for both the Forums and the rest of the accordancebible.com website.
- The Accordance User Forums have gone through a major upgrade! You’ll notice all the improvements right off. However, know that we may still be tweaking a few settings and even the look of the interface. If something is not working right or the way you think it ought to, please make a post in the Forum Comments, Suggestions & Help section or send me a direct message.
We hope everyone likes the new and improved Forums. The combined logins should be much better than having to keep up with two separate accounts. If you’ve never made use of the Accordance User Forums, we would invite you to come on in and join the conversation!