Rabbinics Bundle (Release 3)
Regular Price: $739 | Sale Price: $499 | Early Bird Price $399 | Buy Now
Early Bird Savings for the first week of the sale! This package of Rabbinics study material can be added to any Accordance Collection. It contains all the Mishnaic, Talmudic, and Tannaitic modules currently available in Accordance. This package price represents a substantial discount over purchasing individual modules.
Commentators’ Bible, The (Set of 5 Volumes)
Regular Price: $289 | Sale Price $159 | Buy Now
Five volumes of the acclaimed English edition of Miqra’ot Gedolot; translated and annotated by Michael Carasik. Now, for the first time, Miqra’ot Gedolot is available in an accessible English edition.
The Torah: A Modern Commentary
Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now
This volume features updated commentary and translations, including a gender-sensitive version of the JPS translation (Exodus through Deuteronomy), with largely gender-neutral God language and a completely fresh translation of Genesis by the late Rabbi Chaim Stern. In addition, the volume is reorganized by parashah and includes a helpful index and aliyot markers, improving upon the 1981 original.
JPS Commentary Set (12 Volumes)
Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now
The Jewish Publication Society’s highly acclaimed Bible Commentary series provides a line-by-line commentary of the original Hebrew Bible text, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks.
JPS Torah Commentary (5 volumes)
Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $119.40 | Buy Now
Written by four outstanding Torah scholars, the JPS Torah Commentary represents a fusion of the best of the old and new. Utilizing the latest research to enhance our understanding of the biblical text, it takes its place as one of the most authoritative yet accessible Bible commentaries of our day.
JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now
Based on the same format and design as the Torah volumes, Jonah provides a critical line-by-line commentary of the biblical text, which is presented in its original Hebrew, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks. It includes a scholarly introduction, extensive bibliographic and critical notes, and other explanatory material.
JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now
The haftarot are an ancient part of Hebrew liturgy. These supplemental readings are excerpted from the Prophets (Nevi’im) and accompany each weekly Sabbath reading from the Torah as well as readings for special Sabbaths and festivals.
JPS Commentary on the Haggadah
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now
The Passover haggadah enjoys an unrivaled place in Jewish culture, both religious and secular. And of all the classic Jewish books, the haggadah is the one most “alive” today. Jews continue to rewrite, revise, and add to its text, recasting it so that it remains relevant to their lives.
JPS Bible Commentary: The Megillot (4 Volumes)
Regular Price: $169 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now
The Jewish Publication Society’s highly acclaimed Bible Commentary series provides a line-by-line commentary of the original Hebrew Bible text, complete with vocalization and cantillation marks.
Outside the Bible (3 Volumes)
Regular Price: $249 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now
The work of more than seventy contributing experts in a range of fields, Outside the Bible offers new insights into the development of Judaism and Early Christianity. This three-volume set of translations, introductions, and detailed commentaries is a must-have for scholars, students, and anyone interested in this great body of ancient Jewish writings.
A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature (Friedeman)
Regular Price: $49.99 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now
A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature is a comprehensive Scripture index that catalogs approximately 90,000 references to the Bible found in classical rabbinic literature. This literature comprises two categories: (1) Talmudic literature (i.e., the Mishnah and related works) and (2) midrashic literature (i.e., biblical commentary).
Contemplation and Counseling (Blanton)
Regular Price: $82.99 | Sale Price $41.45 | Buy Now
Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology offers more than seventy selections from Second Temple-era Jewish literature, each introduced and translated by a leading scholar in the field.
Talmud Yerushalmi Neusner Translation
Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now
The Jerusalem Talmud, or Yerushalmi, or Talmud of the Land of Israel, is a commentary on the oral law (the Mishnah) of Israel that ties that oral law to the written law (the Torah, the Hebrew Scripture). Completed about 200 years prior to The Babylonian Talmud (Bavli), it records the first such compilation of Jewish scholarly thought.
Talmud Bavli Neusner Translation
Regular Price: $219 | Sale Price $109 | Buy Now
The Babylonian Talmud: A Translation and Commentary, translated by Jacob Neusner, Tzvee Zahavy, et al. The module includes the complete 22-volume set which lists in print for $895.
Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures (Richelle)
Regular Price: $36.90 | Sale Price $22.88 | Buy Now
Many readers find exegeting a passage from the Old Testament to be a mysterious process. How should one begin? What methods should one use? Written in a pragmatic style, Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures guides the reader by offering concrete methods for exegesis that are illustrated by numerous examples and accompanied by well-chosen references to secondary sources.
Readings and Prayers for Jewish Worship
Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price FREE | Buy Now
A collection of the Torah and Haftarah readings for Shabbat and holidays. Also includes a collection of important blessings and prayers.
Carta’s The Sacred Bridge (Second Emended and Enhanced Edition)
Regular Price: $129 | Sale Price $72.90 | Buy Now
The Sacred Bridge will be the Bible Atlas of Record and Standard Work for the coming decades. Exhaustive in scope and rich in detail, with its comprehensive documentation of the Near Eastern background to Biblical History, this Bible Atlas from Carta is one more stepping stone on the way to the study and understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
Carta’s Echoes from the Past
Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $69.90 | Buy Now
This collection of ancient texts is of value to everyone interested in the antiquities of Israel, teachers of Bible and History of Israel, Ancient Near Eastern History, Semitic Languages, and Biblical Archaeology.
Bible’s Many Voices, The (Carasik)
Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now
The most common English translations of the Bible often sound like a single, somewhat archaic voice. In fact, the Bible is made up of many separate books composed by multiple writers in a wide range of styles and perspectives. It is, as Michael Carasik demonstrates, not a remote text reserved for churches and synagogues but rather a human document full of history, poetry, politics, theology, and spirituality.
Carta’s The Raging Torrent: Historical Inscriptions from Assyria and Babylonia Relating to Ancient Israel
Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $47.90 | Buy Now
The Raging Torrent brings together all the cuneiform historical texts composed during the 9th to 6th centuries BCE that relate to Ancient Israel. This is the period during which Assyria and Babylonia cast their imperial shadow over the Near East and brought the kingdoms of Israel and Judah under their control.
Carta’s The Quest
Regular Price: $64.90 | Sale Price $36.90 | Buy Now
No book is better suited to the study, understanding and development of the manmade plateau that is the focus of the world’s interest—the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Carta’s Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea
Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $32.90 | Buy Now
Here is the first-ever English translation of the ancient Greek Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea, written in the early 4th century A.D. Presented in parallel with Jerome’s Latin rendering of the same work, it provides an alphabetical listing of place names mentioned in the Bible and identified by the author with contemporary sites. Accompanied by maps and indexes, this book is an indispensable tool for students and scholars alike.
Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo
Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now
Tres convicciones teológicas básicas sustentan esta obra que es producto de la labor de personas de diversos ministerios y trasfondos culturales: Que Dios ser reveló por medio de Jesucristo, la Palabra viva, y esa revelación ha sido consignada en las Sagrada Escrituras para servir como la autoridad normativa en todo lo relativo a la fe y la conducta cristianas.
Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now
Esta colección incluye algunos de los mejores y más conocidos comentarios publicados por CLIE, la editorial cristiana más importante en lengua española.
Introducción al Nuevo Testamento (Powell)
Regular Price: $45.00 | Sale Price $33.75 | Buy Now
Mark Allan Powell, destacado erudito bíblico, está convencido que la iglesia necesita prestar más atención a la población hispánica que está creciendo en los Estados Unidos. La iglesia tiene que ayudar a los líderes del futuro ministrar a las personas quienes hablan español.
Comentario Al Texto Hebreo Del Antiguo Testamento (Keil & Delitzsch)
Regular Price: $34.99 | Sale Price $17.49 | Buy Now
La publicación en español del COMENTARIO LINGÜÍSTICO AL TEXTO HEBREO DEL A.T. un trabajo monumental esperado con ansia por muchos años, al dar libre acceso en nuestro idioma a uno de los mejores comentarios exegéticos del Antiguo Testamento de todos los tiempos. marca un hito en la historia de la literatura cristiana en el mundo de habla hispana.
Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $9.90 | Buy Now
Antigua versión de Casiodoro de Reina (1569)
Revisada por Cipriano de Valera (1602)
Otras revisiones: 1862, 1909 y 1960.
Regular Price: $24.90 | Sale Price $9.90 | Buy Now
Reina-Valera Revisión de 1995. Ahora incluye números de Strong, con lo que es posible ampliar a los diccionarios hebreo y griego (ambos en inglés), así como realizar búsquedas basadas en los números de Strong.
Diccionarios hebreo y griego de Strong
Regular Price: $13.99 | Sale Price $6.45 | Buy Now
Los Diccionarios hebreo-arameo y griego de Strong han sido los preferidos por pastores, eruditos y estudiantes de la Biblia del mundo anglosajón durante más de un siglo. Ahora ponemos a su disposición la versión española en Accordance.
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now
This group of modules includes a number of biblical resources:
NAS Topical Index – Contains over 19,000 topics and sub-topics cross referenced to over 50,000 verses
Original New American Standard Bible (NASB 1977) (includes crossreferences and notes)
Updated New American Standard Bible (NASB 1995) with Strong’s (includes crossreferences and notes)
Updated New American Standard Bible (NASB 2020) with Strong’s (includes crossreferences and notes)
NAS Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries – Organized by a modification of the Strong’s numbering system, the dictionaries are the ones found in the back of the New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance
Spanish La Biblia de las Américas 2020 (LBLA20) – Follows the same principles of translation set for the NASB (includes crossreferences and notes)
Spanish The Nueva Biblia de las Americas (NBLA) – LBLA was the basis for Nueva Biblia de las Americas (includes crossreferences and notes)
Regular Price: $19.90 | Sale Price $6.90 | Buy Now
Originally produced in 1971 and updated in 1995, the NASB has been widely embraced and trusted as a literal English translation. Now, the NASB 2020 improves accuracy where possible, modernizes language, and improves readability.
Journal of Biblical Counseling
Regular Price: $119 | Sale Price: $79.90 | Early Bird Price $59.90 | Buy Now
For 40 years, the Journal of Biblical Counseling of CCEF has provided a forum for biblical counseling’s development and application. The mission of the JBC is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling. We seek to do this through publishing articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy, and power to the issues that face pastoral ministries of counseling and discipleship.
Psychology & Christianity: 5 Views (2nd Edition) (Spectrum Multiview Series)
Regular Price: $22.90 | Sale Price $10.90 | Buy Now
This revised edition of a widely appreciated text now presents five models for understanding the relationship between psychology and Christianity. All the essays and responses have been reworked and updated with some new contributors including the addition of a new perspective, the transformative view from John Coe and Todd Hall (Biola University).
Counseling and Christianity: Five Approaches
Regular Price: $22.90 | Sale Price $11.45 | Buy Now
What does authentic Christian counseling look like in practice? This volume explores how five major perspectives on the interface of Christianity and psychology would each actually be applied in a clinical setting. Respected experts associated with each of the perspectives depict how to assess, conceptualize, counsel and offer aftercare to Jake, a hypothetical client with a variety of complex issues.
Curing the Heart
Regular Price: $19.90 | Sale Price $9.95 | Buy Now
This book is really a text book for anyone involved or interested in Christian counseling. Both the authors teach the subject at a theological seminary in the States. Their influences include Jay Adams, a leading Christian psychologist, and Francis Schaeffer. This model of psychology is very much more prescriptive than anything in secular counseling, or in many Christian circles, but the authors are consistent in their approach and they have been teaching the material for many years.
Regular Price: $119 | Sale Price $59.90 | Buy Now
This bundle contains these six (6) counseling resources published by InterVarsity Press.
Contemplation and Counseling (Blanton)
Regular Price: $23.90 | Sale Price $11.95 | Buy Now
Interest in mindfulness and contemplative thought is growing among Christians, and it’s time to consider the place of contemplative prayer within the field of counseling. Can contemplative prayer be integrated into therapeutic work? Can it in fact serve as a foundation on which to build a new approach to counseling?
Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling (Worthington Jr.)
Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now
Everett L. Worthington, Jr. offers a comprehensive manual for assisting couples over common rough spots and through serious problems in a manner that is compassionate, effective and brief. His hope-focused (rather than problem-focused) approach enables couples to see that change is possible and gives them a new outlook on the future.
Couple Therapy (Ripley and Worthington Jr.)
Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.95 | Buy Now
Following the successful Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling, Jennifer Ripley and Everett Worthington Jr. have written a new book that expands upon their previous theoretical approach while describing in detail new practical interventions for couple counseling and enrichment.