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Study Theology with Accordance
Dive Into the Mysteries of the Faith

Students of theology have a wealth of resources available to them in Accordance Bible Software! Hundreds of volumes can be purchased and downloaded that explore the teachings of the Bible from historical, cultural, and systematic perspectives. Do you want to pick the brains of the Early Church Fathers? Study the doctrine of Election with Calvin? Or perhaps play audience to a vigorous (yet cordial) debate between the brightest theological minds of our day? You can do all of that and more in Accordance.

But where to start? The study of theology can often be complex, and works on the subject lengthy, specialized, or highly technical in their language. The student of Scripture can easily become overwhelmed as they explore the mysteries of the faith. Thankfully, there are many faithful guides whose passion it is to provide orientation to those beginning their theological journey.

One such guide was the late J.I. Packer (1926-2020). Gifted with the ability to explain complex ideas in a simple (though not simplistic) fashion, Packer served as instructor to many budding theologians with his classic work Concise Theology. In this relatively small volume, Packer explains the essentials of theology in a straightforward and yes, concise manner. He divides his subject into 94 bite-sized studies on what he calls the “permanent essentials of Christianity.” These range widely in scope, covering everything from the nature of God to the role of civil government.

The question may come: “Why study a small work like Concise Theology when so many larger, more comprehensive theology tomes exist?” The answer is that the greatest advantage of these works can also be a weakness. The sheer scope of some theology books make them ill-suited to the needs of the layman, the Bible-study leader, the Sunday School teacher, or the busy student just trying to get a quick summary of an important topic. Whereas a more traditional work of Systematic Theology might spend 50 pages discussing a particular doctrine, Concise Theology covers the main points in 1-2. Even experienced theologians will be able to learn from Packer’s skilled communication.

For the month of August, Accordance Bible Software is offering a 50% discount on Concise Theology to all its users. If you’ve not added this volume to your library before, now is the time! Or, perhaps you know a teacher or student who uses Accordance. This volume makes a perfect gift for those eager to dive into the study of theology.