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With a new year we often feel inspired to make fresh starts on our resolutions. Perhaps you’d like to read through the Bible this year or set up a regular time of reflection every day. If that’s the case, Accordance has you covered with the Daily Reading feature.

Check out this video on the Accordance Daily Reading feature!

To use the Accordance Daily Reading feature, you will first want to set your default devotional or reading plan. Open Accordance Preferences: Reading/Research. Select Default Devotional and choose the title you want to use on a daily basis throughout the year. Accordance offers dozens of reading plans, devotionals, and even daily resources to keep your biblical languages sharp!

After you select your Default Devotional, click the OK button to return to the Accordance Workspace you were last in. Notice on the Accordance Toolbar that there’s an icon for Daily Reading.

When you click on the Daily Reading icon, a new workspace will open the reading for today’s date. Notice that there are two panes. The pane on the left has your default devotional, while the pane on the right automatically populates with every Scripture reference mentioned in today’s reading. While some titles include the Bible verses in the text, some just offer references. Either way you’re covered because Accordance includes them in the pane on the right in your default Bible!

If you’ve chosen a basic reading plan, the Accordance Daily Reading feature still works the same way. You’ll see the plan on the left and all the Scripture for that day’s reading on the right. You don’t even have to worry about accidentally reading further than you should because the biblical text will stop at the last verse of that day’s reading.

No matter what kind of Daily Reading you’re interested in—devotionals, biblical language refreshers, Scripture reading (biblical or chronological order), there something available for you. Check out the Devotionals section of your Library pane to see a full list of what’s already in your personal Accordance Library. If you need something else, check out the Daily Readings we have on sale for the New Year right now.