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One of the greatest advantages to using Accordance is having a portable library that can go anywhere with you. Accordance divides the titles in your personal Library by two overarching categories: Texts and Tools. Any ancient document that is divided by chapter and verse–such as the Bible–is considered a Text. And this doesn’t matter if it’s a document in its original language, such as Hebrew or Greek, or if it’s a modern translation.

The other titles in your personal Accordance Library are considered Tools. Commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, journals, study Bibles, monographs and other resources are all considered Tools. And when you install Accordance, all of your Tools are placed into folders in your Library Pane in an appropriate folder. Of course, the folder structure is flexible: you can move titles around to whatever folder you like, and even create new ones.

Your Bibles and other Texts, though, are not placed in pre-defined folders because we’ve discovered that Accordance users are often very particular about how they organize their Library. We leave this up to you, and in this newsletter, we’re going to show you how to get started organizing your Bibles and other Texts in Accordance for Windows and macOS.

First, if your Library isn’t already on the left side of your Workspace, you’ll need to open it either from the icon on your Toolbar or by going to the Window menu and clicking on Library. Assuming you see a list of Bibles, the easiest way to begin organizing them is to  pull up a contextual menu from the list (right-click, two-finger click on a trackpad, or control-click). Here you will see a number of options such as the ability to add folders, dividers, or even alphabetize your list. If you don’t have time to organize your content just yet, alphabetizing them is a good first step for finding your content quickly.

If you add a folder, you can give it a name and even customize the icon! Begin dragging modules around to get your folder structure just how you want it. Add dividers to create sections. Feel free to add subfolders if necessary. Customize your Library structure so that it makes sense to you and your workflow.

Accordance is designed to be flexible and customizable. Organizing your Library according to your needs is just one of the many ways to make the Library your personal Accordance Library!