The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository Commentary (Thomas E. McComiskey, editor)
On a personal note, I’ll admit that I’ve been most excited about this release. I purchased this commentary series in print when it was first published in three volumes. Commentary series that cover the entire Bible are generally a combination of hit and miss volumes. However, by narrowing the scope only to the Minor Prophets, Thomas McComiskey and his team of contributors have delivered a series that is consistently exceptional from Hosea to Malachi.
This commentary on the Minor Prophets has been carefully designed for both the Hebrew reader and those who have not had opportunity to study original languages. Following the author’s translation, there are two sections: Notes and Commentary. The Notes section interacts directly with the Hebrew text. However, for the readers who have not studied Hebrew, the author’s translation of the Hebrew construction being discussed is included in parentheses. Following the Notes, a Commentary section makes expositional application of the literary and grammatical discussion that came before.
The image above displays both the Notes and Commentary section
for Malachi 1:1. Click for a larger view.
The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository Commentary features some of the best-known and well-respected Old Testament scholars of our day. In addition to Thomas E. McComiskey who both edits and contributes to the series, the commentary also features the work of Raymond Dillard, Jeffrey Niehaus, Joyce Baldwin, Bruce Waltke, Tremper Longman, F. F. Bruce, J. Alec Motyer, and Douglas Stewart.
The Minor Prophets (McComiskey)
Hermeneutics: An Introduction (Anthony C. Thiselton); Horizons in Hermeneutics: A Festschrift in Honor of Anthony C. Thiselton
Anthony Thiselton’s name is synonymous with modern understanding of hermeneutics, the study of methods for interpreting the Bible. In Hermeneutics: An Introduction, Thiselton surveys the history of interpretation including modern-day approaches such as liberation, feminist, reader-response, reception, and postmodern methods.
Thiselton’s introduction to hermeneutics draws on four decades of his teaching on the subject. The book is designed not only to be used in the classroom, but also to be read by anyone interested in the subject. Technical terms are explained as they are introduced and a list of further reading is included at the end of each chapter.
The second volume, Horizons of Hermeneutics, is a festschrift (a collection of essays written to honor an individual) in honor of Anthony Thiselton. These essays aim to consider, exemplify, and build upon Thiselton’s insights in philosophical hermeneutics and biblical studies, particularly in relation to Paul and his writings.
Contributors to Horizons of Hermeneutics include Stanley Porter, Matthew R. Malcom, John Goldingay, Robert Morgan, Mark L. Y. Chan, Richard S. Briggs, James D. G. Dunn, and Tom Greggs. The contributors address a number of hermeneutical issues relating to both Old and New Testaments.
Thiselton’s Hermeneutics Set
Historical Commentaries on the Psalms
(Bruce K. Waltke, James M. Houston, and Erika Moore)
Bruce Waltke, James Houston, and Erika Moore have given us two volumes on the Psalms as historical commentaries. That is, these works offer exposition of select psalms with a history of their interpretation in the church from the time of the Apostles to the present.
The Psalms as Christian Worship offers the reader an invaluable and thorough historical survey of the interpretation of the Book of Psalms. Beginning with Second Temple Judaism, continuing through the Early Church and through to modern higher-critical methods, the authors not only explore the historical development of how the Psalms have been read and understood, they also demonstrate how central the hymnbook of Israel has been to “people of the Book” for thousands of years.
In a manner similar to the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture but with broader reach, Waltke, Houston, and Moore apply these multiple historical methods in an examination of selected psalms. If any of this sounds like a dry, scholarly exercise, nothing could be further from the truth. Inextricably bound to both the survey the commentary on selected psalms, the writers’ faith remains at the heart of this exercise with a focus on church worship.
Not intended to be a complete commentary on the Psalms, the authors make representative selections:
First, we chose some psalms (i.e., Psalms 1, 23, and 51) that have played a basic and pivotal role in the life of the worshiping church. Second, we laid a solid foundation for Christian apologetics by studying psalms that Christ and his apostles used to validate the Christian faith (i.e., Psalms 2, 16, 22, and 110). Third, these and other psalms illustrate [Worship, p. 16] various genres and perspectives (i.e., Psalms 3, 4, 8, and 139). Fourth, we also chose psalms to highlight historical perspectives in the interpretation of the Psalter (i.e., Psalm 15) [p. 15].
In the companion volume, The Psalms as Christian Lament, the authors turn their attention to what is often a neglected category of the Psalms, often mistakenly equated with the idea of complaint. In this title, Waltke, Houston, and Moore examine ten lament psalms showing they are profitable for sound doctrine and spiritual health, while demonstrating that lament is an important aspect of the Christian life.
Neither of these books on the Psalms should be seen a traditional commentaries, although there is certainly an aspect of commentary and exposition to them. Further, neither is a dry survey of interpretation. Both of these volumes can be seen as studies of genre and historical interpretation with a goal toward providing sincere and deep faith to modern believers.

Click the above image for a full size product illustration.
Psalms: Historical Commentary (Waltke)
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