
How Tos

Using Accordance to Write Your Own Systematic Theology (or Just Keep Good Notes), Pt. 1

| Sean Nelson

Article Author: Abram Kielsmeier-Jones Writing your own volume of systematic theology could be a daunting task. Stopping short of publication, many Accordance users will want to keep track of theological insights—their own and others’—as they make their way through the array of texts and tools the software offers. These two blog posts, patterned after a […]

Release Announcement

NEW! Andersen-Forbes Morphology & Syntax Database

| Richard Mansfield

We are pleased to announce the release of the Hebrew Masoretic Text with Andersen-Forbes Morphology and Syntax Database. This unique Hebrew database is the result of over 50 years of continued research and over one year of development just to be integrated into the Accordance Bible Software Library. In the video demo of this unique resource […]


Bible Software Shakeup

| Sean Nelson

Imagine discovering that the Bible software you depend on has been sold to another company and discontinued. Or that the original developer has simply decided to close up shop. Recent shakeups in the Bible Software industry have left many thousands of users wondering how they will continue their studies, sermon preparation, and personal Bible study. […]

How Tos

3 Tips for Presenting with Accordance

| Sean Nelson

Article Author: David Lang When you teach, do you export information from Accordance into a presentation program like Keynote or PowerPoint, or do you present information directly from Accordance? For me, it depends on what I’m trying to do. If I’m teaching a carefully crafted lesson which calls for polished graphics and clearly delineated points, […]

How Tos

Take Class Notes in Accordance (7 Strategies for Students #2)

| Richard Mansfield

Note: This blog post continues in the revision of the Seven Strategies for Students series, bringing helpful ideas and tips up to date with the latest features in Accordance. When I began my M.Div classes in the early ’90s, laptops were a luxury most of us could not afford, and professional-grade Bible software like Accordance […]

How Tos

Save Specialized Workspaces (7 Strategies for Students #1)

| Richard Mansfield

Note: From 2016 – 2017, I wrote a series of blog posts titled “7 Strategies for Students Who Use Accordance.” This series was based upon an in-person seminar I had led a number of times, and now we also have a webinar by the same name. Although the vast majority of the content in these […]


5 Things Developing the New Timeline Taught Me About History

| David Lang

Article Author: David Lang I used to think I was something of a history buff, but working on the Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition has taught me that I still have a lot to learn. Here are five things developing the new Timeline taught me about history. 1. It Has Always Been a Small World After […]


The Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition (Lighting the Lamp Podcast #187)

| Richard Mansfield

In the first new installment of the Lighting the Lamp Podcast in over a year, Rick Mansfield sits down with David Lang to discuss the new Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition. David provides a quick tutorial that will get you up to speed on all the new features. Timeline Expanded EditionRegular Price $49.90Buy Now Upgrade Pricing […]

Release Announcement

A Closer Look at the Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition

| Richard Mansfield

The previous Accordance Timeline was impressive, but the new Expanded Edition is truly unparalleled. Certainly there is an emphasis on biblical and religious history, but I don’t know of any tool like this, whether in Bible software or something else. And considering you can add your own events to the 3,000 items already in the […]

Release Announcement

New Titles for Patristic Studies!

| Richard Mansfield

Studies in Patristics (the writings and history of the Early Church) continue to grow in popularity. It’s one thing to read about the writings of the early Christians, but it’s something else entirely to read these writers in their own words—whether in original languages or translations. Today, we’re adding to our Patristic offerings for Accordance with […]

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