

NEW! First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament

| Richard Mansfield

In Matthew’s Gospel (28:3), there’s a description of the clothing of the resurrected Christ stating they were “as white as snow” (λευκὸν ὡς χιών). But how would you communicate the concept of snow if it were foreign to another culture? Years ago, I remember reading in the UBS Translators’ Handbook, the following translation suggestion for […]

How Tos

Accordance Workspace Series (Brian W. Davidson)

| Richard Mansfield

Accordance Super User, Brian W. Davidson, recently led one of our eAcademy sessions titled “Accordance as the Ultimate Reading Companion.” Much of that session was based on an extended series dealing with Accordance Workspaces that Brian wrote on his own website. He described the series as demonstrating “how to use Accordance as an ideal reading […]

Bible Software

Word Come Alive: An Interview with Martin Manser

| Richard Mansfield

We check back in with Bible editor and translator, Martin Manser for an update on his Word Come Alive paraphrase of the Bible. Martin offers details about recent additions and tells us what to expect in the coming weeks.  Reg Price $14.90; Sale Price $9.90 |  Buy Now

How Tos

Getting to Know the Targums WordMap (Accordance Webinars)

| Richard Mansfield

The end of 2021 saw an update to our Targums WordMap to cover the entire Torah. Unique to Accordance Bible Software, the Targums Wordmap database links every equivalent word in the Hebrew Torah and all its Targums. It is the product of the Equivalent Project—a research initiative headed by Dr. Leeor Gottlieb of Bar-Ilan University—which […]


Interview with Dr. James R. White

| Richard Mansfield

Recently, we released five new titles from Dr. James R. White for the Accordance Library. In this video, Dr. White offers an overview for each title. Timestamps are given below for discussion of each book. 01:19 The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering the Heart of Christian Belief 02:32 The God Who Justifies 04:30 Grieving: Your Path Back […]

How Tos

Daily Reading (Accordance Basics)

| Richard Mansfield

With a new year we often feel inspired to make fresh starts on our resolutions. Perhaps you’d like to read through the Bible this year or set up a standard time of reflection every day. If that’s the case, Accordance has you covered with the Daily Reading feature. In this brief how-to video, we will […]


Free Accordance Webinars for December 5-10, 2021

| Richard Mansfield

Have you discovered our free interactive Accordance Webinars? Throughout the week you can participate in live Accordance training in hour-long sessions that cover just the content you need. Here are the free Accordance webinars for the week of August 15-19, 2021. Click on the Register Now button to sign up for any webinar! Hebrew Searching […]

How Tos

Accordance Basics: The Add Parallel Button

| Richard Mansfield

One of the most basic and powerful features of Accordance is the Add Parallel button, which can be found near the top right of any pane with a biblical (or other versified) text. The Add Parallel button allows you to place in parallel with your first text any other Bible, commentary, study Bible, and basically anything organized by chapter […]

Bible Software

Confessions of a Late-Blooming Egyptophile

| David Lang

I admit it: when I was working on the original PhotoMuseum, I procrastinated writing articles about Egypt. I had several reasons for wanting to avoid it as long as I could. To begin with, there was just so much to cover. Ancient Egypt from its beginnings through the Roman period amounts to some 3500 years […]

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