
How Tos

Advanced Reading Settings for Accordance on Android and iOS/iPadOS Devices

| Richard Mansfield

If you are following along on your device, pause the video as needed. This quick video will show you advanced settings for reading your Bible. Learn how to turn off red lettering, superscripts, and poetic formatting. For more information about Accordance Bible Software, please visit


NEW! Word Come Alive

| Richard Mansfield

Word Come Alive, an extended translation (paraphrase), will help you get back on track with reading your Bible. Respected UK Bible editor Martin Manser is compiling a fresh translation of the New Testament. He has just completed the four Gospels, Acts and some of Paul’s Letters. He is currently editing Revelation and will then turn to the other […]


March 2021 eAcademy: Reserve Your Spot Now!

| Richard Mansfield

For the past two years, Accordance eAcademys have been extremely popular with our users. Multiple times a year, we offer these online, virtual events with guest speakers and sessions to hone your Accordance skills. Our next Accordance eAcademy is on March 11. We have three exciting sessions that you won’t want to miss. Hear Nancy […]


Check Out the NEW Accordance User Forums!

| Richard Mansfield

Well, the migration took longer than what we expected or were told, but the Accordance User Forums are now back up! You will definitely notice a new and more streamlined look and feel, and there are lots of improvements not immediately noticeable on the surface in the way these forums work. The biggest immediate change […]


학생분들을 위한 어코던스 소개 (Introduction to Accordance for Students)

| Accordance Bible

이 영상은 백석대학교와 신학대학원을 위해 제작되었으며, 특히 학술 연구에 도움이 되는 컬렉션과 특징에 대해 소개합니다. 어코던스가 어떻게 여러분의 성경 연구에 도움이 될 수 있는지에 대해 더 자세히 알아보려면 지금 연락하세요!  This video was produced for the students of Baekseok University and Seminary, and gives an introduction to the Collections and features of Accordance especially helpful […]


Wall-to-Wall Books

| David Lang

Last week I was in the Accordance offices for a series of strategic meetings. In addition to housing our sales staff, our central office also houses a massive number of print books. You see, whenever we license a book from a publisher, we request a PDF or print copy in addition to the actual e-text […]

How Tos

Discover Accordance User Forums

| Richard Mansfield

Did you know Accordance has an active user discussion forum where you can find all kinds of helpful information and connect with other users? Using the Accordance Forums will help you get the most out of your Bible software. You’ll find expert advice from other users, get your questions answered, keep up to date on […]


Accordance Commentary on the New Testament: Feedback Requested!

| Richard Mansfield

Earlier this week, we released a unique little commentary on the New Testament letter of Jude, for which we gave a series title, Accordance Commentary on the New Testament. On the surface, this commentary is like most other commentaries in that it has a section covering background, authorship, and other introductory issues one would expect. […]

Bible Software

Dean Forbes on the Andersen-Forbes Hebrew Syntax

| Richard Mansfield

A few weeks ago, we released the Hebrew Masoretic Text with Andersen-Forbes Morphology & Syntax Database. Anyone familiar with the Andersen-Forbes Hebrew Syntax Database knows that it is perhaps the most sophisticated system of Hebrew syntax in existence. In the exclusive video below, co-creator Dean Forbes describes the philosophy and methodology behind the Andersen-Forbes Database.

How Tos

Using Accordance to Write Your Own Systematic Theology (or Just Keep Good Notes), Pt. 2

| Sean Nelson

Article Author: Abram Kielsmeier-Jones In part 1 I linked to some theology resources in Accordance, shared some definitions of theology and systematic theology, and proposed a working list of categories we can use to organize our own systematic theology using Accordance. This second and concluding post discusses moving from the Bible to theology, as well as the […]

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