Accordance Software Version 14 Upgrade
* This product does not include any content. This is the software engine only.
Discover the Accordance Advantage! Accordance 14 delivers a fast and powerful Bible software program that is right for you.
Accordance 14 brings new features, such as:
• Dynamic Word Study
• Custom Phrasing
• Easy Answers
• Quick-Click Navigation
• User Tool Commentaries and Dictionaries
• Unicode User Tools
• Improved Dark Mode Support
Accordance 14 runs on macOS from 10.14 (Mojave) and up and on Windows 10 and up.
Where to Find
Accordance Software Version 14 Upgrade is included with the following packages
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Primary Collections | Scholars-Essentials | Protected: Scholar’s Essentials Collection | 119 |
Primary Collections | Coll14-Starter | Basic Starter (Accordance 14) | 49.90 |
Collection Bundles | Lutheran Basic Bundle | Lutheran Basic Bible Study Package | 39.90 |
Collection Bundles | Lutheran Advanced Bundle | Lutheran Advanced Study Package | 124.99 |
Uncategorized | Acc-14 beta | Accordance 14 Beta Bundle | N/A |
I have always been pleased with Accordance! I have been using it ever since it first began many years ago. Frankly, I can’t imagine being without it since I love to search various Greek and Hebrew words, be able to quickly parse them, put numerous English translations in columns and compare them, quickly search for the identical English, Greek, or Hebrew word in biblical book, etc. Add to this the ability to search various commentaries, Study Bibles, Greek or Hebrew lexicons, etc. On top of that, I can have Accordance on my iPhone and take it wherever I go. It’s hard to think of not having Accordance!
I’m coming over from SwordSearcher because it doesn’t have Mac capability. I loved SwordSearcher because it was simple yet in-depth. Accordance is bloated and I wish there were options for simple layouts. Most YouTube tutorials come from people who don’t know how to teach. All I need are a couple of Bibles, a few commentaries, easy way to writes and for the screen not to pop all over the place with new windows.
I came to Dallas Theological Seminary in 1997 with “another Bible program.” When I arrived, I discovered that all the faculty were using Accordance. I started using it and found that it was much faster, more stable (few crashes), and was easier to accomplish what I wanted in my study. I love Accordance!
Accordance has been a blessing to me and to the people I minister to.
Accordance is top quality; its software is really user friendly, there is no fluff; it is a program that allows its users to focus solely on study. No advertisements when the program opens. I had a few issues when running on windows. But on a Mac it works as it should. My windows pc was a top of the range gaming pc in order to run a competing Bible software product. I have now sold it and run my Accordance on a 2012 MBP. I hope the company continues to keep the no fluff approach. No need to upgrade your pc to a high end market machine. In difficult times like these with high energy prices, I am even more happy to use a machine that keeps the electrical bill down. I cannot recommend this software enough. Thanks Accordance, keep up the great work! Looking forward to version 14. No rush, your regular updates show how serious you are in making a finished and top quality product!
I love accordance. Lately, the app has been a menace to me. It’s crashed often. When I maximize the windows on Mac, the program interface changes. I am at the place of giving up on the app. I hope I can find workable solutions moving forwards. Besides these problems, I love the app. But I think of letting go of the app.
Accordance is the software that I use more than any other. More than my word processor, browser, spreadsheet or anything. Accordance is what makes owning a MAC worth the cost. After having used Accordance for several years, I cannot imagine being without it. I prepare all of my Sunday school and Bible study lessons using this software. The software itself is fast, intuitive and powerful. When paired with a strong library of resources (texts, commentaries, lexicons and so forth), it gives you the ability to drill down into a text to understand its meaning. Accordance is simply invaluable. Not only that, but the tech support is as good as it gets. I cannot recommend this software highly enough.
I’ve used A on several platforms and have always used it as my program of choice. I have been a theological editor for 40+ years, primarily on my Macs. However I’ve not been able to fit it to my Dell. My MacBookAir is down and my MBPro has been giving me trouble Which version of Accordance will work on my Dell?
Dr. John F. Hart
I have always been pleased with Accordance! I have been using it ever since it first began many years ago. Frankly, I can’t imagine being without it since I love to search various Greek and Hebrew words, be able to quickly parse them, put numerous English translations in columns and compare them, quickly search for the identical English, Greek, or Hebrew word in biblical book, etc. Add to this the ability to search various commentaries, Study Bibles, Greek or Hebrew lexicons, etc. On top of that, I can have Accordance on my iPhone and take it wherever I go. It’s hard to think of not having Accordance!