
Atlas of Christian History

Prod ID: Christian History Atlas / Pub. Augsburg Fortress Press / Author:
Price: $21.90 / Sale Price: $13.14

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

For even more information, see this release announcement.

A new atlas of Christian history has been needed for many years. Now, Fortress Press is pleased to offer the Atlas of Christian History from acclaimed author and editor Tim Dowley.

The Atlas of Christian History is built new from the ground up. Featuring more than fifty new maps, graphics, and timelines, the atlas is a necessary companion to any study of Christian history. Concise, helpful text, written by acknowledged authorities, guide the experience and interpret the visuals. Consciously written for students at any level, the volume is perfect for independent students, as well as those in structured courses.

The atlas is broken into five primary parts that correspond well to most major introductions to the topic. The final section on the modern era pays significant attention to the growth of Christianity as a global religion. Extensive maps are provided that illuminate Christianity in Asian, African, and Latin American contexts.

You may also be interested in the companion volume, Atlas of the European Reformations.

Atlas of Christian History

Product Details

Where to Find

Atlas of Christian History is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngMaster0519English Master Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)35549.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster1119English Master Collection (Accordance 13) (November 2019)36999.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster0420English Master Collection (Accordance 13) (April 2020)37499.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster0720English Master Collection (July 2020)42568


  1. (verified owner) Ukfraser

    I like atlases and this second volume in the series is excellent.

    As with its sister volume on the reformation, this volume has one page of text and a supporting map. Unlike the reformation volume, there is no time line. However I like the way that accordance have included the index and tagged it as I prefer links to relying on searching.

    There is a minimal overlap on the reformation period but i still believe it is worth buying both volumes.

    The maps are excellent in terms of clarity, cartography and contain additional information to support the text.

    At about 60 pages of text and 60 maps and including information up to 2015, this is a great resource. The text is limited to one page so very readable but many will want more information so should be considered as a summary or overview or introduction to a topic.

    However, I do feel this volume majors on the Western church and i would have liked more information on the Eastern Orthodox churches.

    Map 13 covers Byzantium under threat from 632–750 and then map 17 shows the Eastern Orthodox church circa 1000 with maps 18 and 19 show the Russian church and deal with the Great Schism of 1054. But during the middle ages we just get map 29 showing what is happening in Russia between 1220 and 1510 and then there is another gap until map 58 which shows the Russian since 1917. All the maps in between tend to show what the church in the west is doing including missionary activities into China, Africa and South America.

    This is however a brilliant resource for what it covers.

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