Collection of 4 Biblical Studies Works by Walter Brueggemann

Prod ID: Brueggemann-Biblical-4 / Pub. Fortress Press / Author:
Retail: $84.60 / Accordance: $66.90

This product consists of four (4) Biblical Studies Works by Walter Brueggemann:

  • The Book That Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology: The purpose of this collection of Brueggemann’s essays is to bring to the fore a much more extensive critical engagement on his part with the current discussion about the Old Testament, its character, its authority, its theology, and especially its God.
  • Texts Under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination: Brueggemann issues a passionate call for a bold restructuring of the imagination of faith in our “postmodern” context. Old assumptions (rational, objectivist, absolutist) have for the most part given way to new outlooks, which can be grouped under the term postmodern.
  • A Social Reading of the Old Testament: In this book, Walter Brueggemann raises a variety of contemporary and intriguing questions on the relation of society and text in the Old Testament, among them—the hidden agendas that underlie the making and reading of Scripture: the conflictual tension in ancient Israel, the cry to God of the oppressed and God’s response, the political dimension of mercy, and theodicy, violence, horses, and chariots.
  • An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible: In the pages of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Israel gave witness to its encounter with a profound and uncontrollable reality experienced through relationship. This book, drawn from the heart of Brueggemann’s Theology of the Old Testament, distills a career’s worth of insights into the core message of the Hebrew Bible.

You may also be interested in the 23-volume Brueggemann Bundle or other smaller Brueggemann bundles/individual modules.

For more information, see this release announcement.

Product Details

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
WritingsBrueggemann-BookBook That Breathes New Life, The (Brueggemann)24.90
WritingsBrueggemann-NegotiationTexts Under Negotiation (Brueggemann)15.90
WritingsBrueggemann-SocialSocial Reading of the Old Testament, A (Brueggemann)21.90
WritingsBrueggemann-UnsettlingUnsettling God, An (Brueggemann)21.90


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