Pillar New Testament Commentary (17 Volumes, 5 Revised) (October 2023)

Retail: $883.99 / Accordance: $549.00

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

Also available in individual volumes.

Upgrades available from:

A single module with seventeen volumes from the Pillar New Testament Commentary series. The volumes on Romans, Ephesians, Hebrews, James, and the Letters of John are newer revisions or replacements for earlier volumes in this series.

Designed both for serious students and for general readers of the Bible, the PNTC volumes seek above all to make clear the meaning of the text of Scripture as we have it. The scholars writing these volumes interact with the most important, informed contemporary debate yet avoid undue technical detail.

The volumes included below are also available individually:

For more details regarding this series, see Publisher’s comments.

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Commentary VolumesPNTC-Col & PhmPillar NTC Colossians & Philemon (Douglas J. Moo)43.90


  1. (verified owner) Juho Unix Mikael Stromsürd Cyklist

    Pillar is alongside picks from these series, a good combo: New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT), only some of Black’s New Testament Commentaries (BNTC), Wisdom Commentary (WC), Paideia, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series New Testament (ZECNT), Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC); not in that these various series would be TOO SIMILAR, but in that at least some combinations of these – at least some select volume(s) from each of these sets – complement each other well, and make for a really nice base to cover the needs of any serious user of commentaries and provide a workflow. Some volumes have same author in this or other series – that contributes for a workflow and personal touch when perusing books that is setlike; and while a full set would not for me be absolutely indispensible it does easen the threshold-effect to bigger and technical commentaries. THE LIST OF COMMENTARY SERIES/SETS, however being a lot of commentaries in total, CONSISTS A RECOMMENDATION FROM ME TO YOU TO BUY.

    Luke: Pillar standalone
    GJn: INSTEAD I recommend only to read NICNT by J. Ramsey Michaels (2010), 1048 pages, well worth its $54.90 regular price under Accordance. I read it cover-to-cover spanning GJn 2-20, for this review.
    I read through 2 Cor 8-9 in all these commentaries mentioned somewhere in this review. Alternatively to having and reading Pillar for entire 2 Cor, my recommendation to all is: READ IN PARALLEL: Wisdom Commentary (WC) 2 Cor by Antoinette Clark Wire (2019) and Paideia 2 Cor by Raymond F. Collins (2013).
    Colossians. I compared many various commentaries in parallel for Col 1:3,5 and concluded that the best commentaries to read in parallel for Colossians, are Pillar by Douglas J. Moo (2008), Black’s New Testament Commentaries by Paul Foster (2016), and Tyndale New Testament Commentaries Colossians and Philemon by N. T. Wright (1986).
    1-2 Tim, Titus: Paideia
    I read James 5:12-20 in many commentaries, for this review; including Pillar twice.
    I read Pillar, The Letters of John, by Colin G. Kruise (2021), cover-to-cover for this review; and I recalled my experience from past few Years of other commentaries on the The Letters of John (some commentaries which I read cover-to-cover, others that I read reviews about, all which I own).
    I read in parallel in my library, extensively and before the purchase: Firstly I started out with Acts 19:32-41 as I had the commentary volume under Accordance. So reading last Week many commentaries side-by-side under Accordance. A feel for the differences in how different series are made, and to know which set(s) is/are best suited to be read in parallel with Pillar. Now, point in case is that my libraries heavily lean on the technical side, especially the commentaries I have, so it was quite difficult to find any balance, so a NEED – yes. Pillar is not a technical commentary set, I would not buy it if it were, but thankfully it is not void of more specialised and intriguing information. Bringing back this notion of what my libraries are like, meaning my personal experience, though, I concluded that Zondervan Exegetical Commentary is likely FOR MOST USERS the best complement to Pillar.
    Pillar brings usefuleness for readers in the present modern day. It has many intra-testamental references but those are not presented in a way that boggs down reading significantly (as is otherwise the case in some not-recommended commentaries that are too sermon-like or superficial).

    Perused only a very few of the Pillar volumes in the backyears, and just now saw to that I had the full set at hand, I took an intense look at it; and a renewed fresh look at many other commentary series.

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