POSB Commentary Sample (Judges/Ruth & Mark)
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Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is a comprehensive resource that provides preachers and teachers with everything they need to prepare their messages. Each volume has commentary that provides important background information, thoughts for illustration, and other Scripture references. There are also discussion boxes that provide suggestions and information for deeper study. For pastors who are short on preparation time, but don’t want to cut corners on the quality of preparation, this is an excellent resource.
Every passage is researched, outlined, and fully developed verse by verse. The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is unlike any preaching resource you’ve ever used. It’s a practical, biblical commentary that you can actually preach and teach from. Yet, much more than just a commentary, it’s a complete resource for expository and topical preaching.
It brings together sermon points, life application, supporting Scripture, as well as fully-researched and engaging commentary. The POSB provides absolutely everything you need to prepare biblical, life-changing sermons and lessons—all in one source.
- Prepare biblical sermons and lessons in a fraction of the time
- Greatly simplify—and enrich—your personal study and preparation
- Get a lifetime of inspirational sermon material—all in one resource
- Disciple your people to maturity in Christ
This product covers the entire Old and New Testaments.
This product contains a module for the Sermon Commentary (POSB Commentary), and separate modules for the subject index (POSB Subject Index) and outlines (POSB Outlines).
Note: While printed versions of the Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible contain the actual biblical text, this product does not contain the biblical text but can be run in parallel to any Accordance version.
For even more information, see this release announcement.
POSB Commentary Sample (Judges/Ruth & Mark)
Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is a comprehensive resource that provides preachers and teachers with everything they need to prepare their messages. Each volume has commentary that provides important background information, thoughts for illustration, and other Scripture references. There are also discussion boxes that provide suggestions and information for deeper study. For pastors who are short on preparation time, but don’t want to cut corners on the quality of preparation, this is an excellent resource.
Every passage is researched, outlined, and fully developed verse by verse. The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible is unlike any preaching resource you’ve ever used. It’s a practical, biblical commentary that you can actually preach and teach from. Yet, much more than just a commentary, it’s a complete resource for expository and topical preaching.
It brings together sermon points, life application, supporting Scripture, as well as fully-researched and engaging commentary. The POSB provides absolutely everything you need to prepare biblical, life-changing sermons and lessons—all in one source.
This product covers the entire Old and New Testaments.
This product contains a module for the Sermon Commentary (POSB Commentary), and separate modules for the subject index (POSB Subject Index) and outlines (POSB Outlines).
Note: While printed versions of the Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible contain the actual biblical text, this product does not contain the biblical text but can be run in parallel to any Accordance version.
For even more information, see this release announcement.
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