Theology for Christian Education, A (Estep Jr., Anthony, Allison) / January 01, 2008

Prod ID: Theology for Education / Pub. Broadman & Holman Publishers / Authors:
Retail: $35.00 / Accordance: $24.90

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

What is “Christian” about Christian education; how is it different from on-Christian education? A Theology for Christian Education examines this question in depth and argues that the doctrines of systematic theology should drive the content, purpose, and methods of the educational program of the church. The book states:

“Christian education is distinct from other kinds of education in that its aim is the transformation of the whole person into the likeness of Christ (Col. 1 :28). Christian education is the process of accomplishing this aim.”

A Theology for Christian Education dedicates chapters to examining particular doctrines and their implications for Christian education. It is the only serious academic text to offer a systematic presentation of the intersection of theology and Christian education from a conservative evangelical perspective.

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