Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism / November 08, 2004

Price: $17.99

See this summary article for a summary of the Counterpoints series and a list of individual volumes.

There are 35 volumes available from this series and are available in the following products:

To some Western evangelicals, the practices of Eastern Orthodoxy seem mysterious and perhaps even unbiblical. Then again, from an Orthodox perspective, evangelicals lack the spiritual roots provided by centuries-old church traditions. Are the differences between these two branches of Christianity so sharp that to shake hands is to compromise the gospel itself? Or is there room for agreement? Are Eastern Orthodoxy and evangelicalism at all compatible? Yes, no, maybe—this book allows five leading authorities to present their different views, have them critiqued by their fellow authors, and respond to the critiques.

Writing from an Orthodox perspective with a strong appreciation for evangelicalism, Bradley Nassif makes a case for compatibility. Michael Horton and Vladimir Berzonsky take the opposite stance from their respective evangelical and Orthodox backgrounds. And George Hancock-Stefan (evangelical) and Edward Rommen (Orthodox) each offer a qualified “perhaps.”

The interactive Counterpoints forum is ideal for comparing and contrasting the different positions to understand the strengths and weaknesses of these two important branches of Christianity and to form a personal conclusion regarding their compatibility.

The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.

Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism
• Series: Counterpoints – Bible and Theology
Series Editor: Stanley N. Gundry
General Editor: James Stamoolis
Contributors: Bradley Nassif, Michael Horton, Vladimir Berzonsky, George Hancock-Stefan, Edward Rommen
Foreword: J. I. Packer
Publisher: Zondervan (released 10/5/10)

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Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
TheologyViews-16 Counterpoints16 volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series (Release #1)330.84
TheologyViews-16 Counterpoints-sp16 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series – Special Offer285.00
TheologyViews-27 Counterpoints-sp27 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series – Special Offer489.99
TheologyCounterpoints-Church MovementsZondervan Counterpoints Series: Church Movements Bundle (6 Volumes)111.94
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 1Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2015)15999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 2Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (2nd Quarter 2015)16999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2015)18699.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 4Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (4th Quarter 2015)19999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 1Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2016)21249.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2016)23999.00


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