Prices in this sale will be valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 4/7/25.

NICOT-30R9/NICNT-20 Bundle (50 volumes)

Regular Price: $1,799 | Sale Price $809.50 | Buy Now

Scholars, pastors, and serious Bible students will welcome the fresh light that this commentary series casts on ancient yet familiar biblical texts. The contributors apply their proven scholarly expertise and wide experience as teachers to illumine our understanding of the Old Testament. As gifted writers, they present the results of the best recent research in an interesting manner.

New International Commentary on the Old Testament (30 volumes, 9 revised)

Regular Price: $1,349 | Sale Price $634.50 | Buy Now

Each commentary opens with an introduction to the biblical book, looking especially at questions concerning its background, authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology. A select bibliography also points readers to resources for their own study. The author’s own translation from the original Hebrew forms the basis of the commentary proper. Verse-by-verse comments nicely balance in-depth discussions of technical matters — textual criticism, critical problems, and so on — with exposition of the biblical writer’s theology and its implications for the life of faith today.

New International Commentary on the New Testament (20 volumes) (January 2021)

Regular Price: $899 | Sale Price $429 | Buy Now

This highly acclaimed and immensely popular commentary series consists of 20 volumes covering all the books of the New Testament. The series seeks “to provide earnest students of the New Testament with an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship and at the same time loyal to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.”

International Theological Commentary: Old Testament (28 Volumes)

Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now

International in both scope and authorship and theological in approach, Eerdmans’ International Theological Commentary moves beyond a descriptive-historical approach to offer a relevant exegesis of the Old Testament text as Holy Scripture. The series aims first, to develop the theological significance of the Old Testament, and second to emphasize the relevance of each book for the life of the church.

Forms of the Old Testament Literature, The (19 Volumes)

Regular Price: $599 | Sale Price $269 | Buy Now

The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL) is a series of volumes that seeks to present, according to a standard outline and methodology, a form-critical analysis of every book or unit of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Fundamentally exegetical, each volume examines the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question. 

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (Volumes 1-15) (Revised Edition)

Regular Price: $799 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now

This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

TDOT Volume XVI: Aramaic Dictionary

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

This latest and last TDOT volume incorporates nearly the complete lexicon of Biblical Aramaic as well as a major portion of the theologically, culturally, and historically relevant terms in other ancient Aramaic writings. Each article provides information on the term’s meaning and usage, is fully annotated, and contains a bibliography with cross-references to the entire TDOT series.

TDOT Volume XVII: Index

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

This useful resource, which concludes the illustrious Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, provides TDOT users with an index to all sixteen previous volumes. The first part of this volume indexes keywords in Hebrew, Aramaic, and English, while the second part indexes all textual references—both biblical and extrabiblical.

Theological Dictionary of NT, Complete (Big Kittel)

Regular Price: $249 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now

This monumental reference work, complete in ten volumes, is the authorized and unabridged translation of the famous Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, known commonly as “Big Kittel” and considered by many scholars to be the best New Testament Dictionary ever compiled.

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Little Kittel)

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

One of the most widely respected theological dictionaries put into one-volume, abridged form – “Little Kittel.” Abridged from the nine-volume work of this name edited by Kittel and Friedrich, this 1985 abridged and updated edition by Geoffrey W. Bromiley includes the best of the original massive scholarship.

Eerdmans Companion to the Bible, The

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

Reflecting a broad evangelical perspective, The Eerdmans Companion to the Bible continues the publisher’s proud tradition of providing quality biblical resources for nearly a century.

Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

No one familiar with the Bible needs to be told that it is a truly remarkable work. But it takes help to understand this ancient collection of diverse forms of literature written by different people across many centuries. The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible (ECB) is the finest, most up-to-date single-volume Bible handbook now available.

Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, The

Regular Price: $79.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism is ecumenical and international in character, bringing together the contributions of a superb group of Jewish, Christian, and other scholars. With equal attention paid to literary and nonliterary (archaeological and epigraphic) evidence, this substantial volume will prove to be an invaluable resource for scholars, students, and general readers alike.

Liturgical Works: Eerdmans Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls

Regular Price: $28.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now

Shedding light on a period of Jewish history whose ritual life formerly lay almost entirely in darkness, this volume makes–and subsequent ECDSS volumes will make–a valuable contribution to our understanding of the biblical world.

Stuttgart Scholarly Add-on

Regular Price: $299 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now

Nestle-Aland. Rahlfs. Biblia Hebraica. These standard editions for academic biblical study are used and trusted by students, professors, pastors, and scholars all around the world. Now there is a new Stuttgart Scholarly Add-on, at a remarkably low price, that combines these standards–and other essential texts–with the other standard for biblical study: Accordance Bible Software.

Biblia Hebraica Quinta (9-Fascicle Set)

Regular Price: $379 | Sale Price $246.35 | Buy Now

This edition will succeed the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) (1977). The aim is to provide an edition with a completely new critical apparatus to the Hebrew (Masoretic) text, accompanied by a commentary volume in which the most difficult cases are treated.

LXX Advanced Studies Add-on Bundle

Regular Price: $319 | Sale Price $209 | Buy Now

It contains the MT-LXX Parallel (Tov and Polak), Rahlfs’ tagged LXX with Apparatus, the LXXS (Swete text and apparatus), LXXC Apparatus (Cambridge), LEH Lexicon (3rd Edition), along with two grammars (Conybeare & Stock and Thackeray), and two English LXX Translations (Brenton and NETS).

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (WIVU) and Syntax Bundle

Regular Price: $89.90 | Sale Price $59.90 | Buy Now

The ETCBC Advanced database of the Hebrew Bible (formerly known as WIVU database), contains the scholarly text of the Hebrew Bible with linguistic markup developed by the Werkgroep Informatica at the Free University (WIVU) of Amsterdam and edited by Eep Talstra of the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer (ETCBC).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, The (Fully Revised) (4 volumes)

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

ISBE is also an exegetical tool because it provides a brief discussion of problem texts under the English keywords and guides the exegete to more information that is found in other scholarly resources. Each entry provides a maximum amount of information in compact form, including pronunciation, etymology, and variant renderings. This is a must have for any biblical scholar.

International Critical Commentary: New Testament (Classic Volumes) (17 Volumes)

Regular Price: $179 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

For over 100 years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series. 

The Torah: A Modern Commentary

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $35.90 | Buy Now

This volume features updated commentary and translations, including a gender-sensitive version of the JPS translation (Exodus through Deuteronomy), with largely gender-neutral God language and a completely fresh translation of Genesis by the late Rabbi Chaim Stern. In addition, the volume is reorganized by parashah and includes a helpful index and aliyot markers, improving upon the 1981 original.

Eadie, Godet, Hort, Lightfoot (Epistles) and Westcott Commentaries

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $9.90 | Buy Now

This package can be added to any Accordance collection.  It includes five classic commentaries on various NT books.

Classic I Group

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $9.90 | Buy Now

This group of around 30 works includes Bibles, commentaries, and devotional writings.

Classic II Group

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $9.90 | Buy Now

This group of over 35 works includes background resources, theological works, commentaries, and writings.