Search Results for: believers%20bible%20commentary
Spirit Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture in Light of Pentecost
- Pub ID: Spirit Hermeneutics
- / Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2016
- Author:
…Christian approaches, Keener’s Spirit Hermeneutics narrates a way of reading the Bible that is faithful both to the Spirit-inspired biblical text and to the experience of the Spirit among believers….
NIV Application Commentary: Colossians, Philemon (David E. Garland)
- Pub ID: NIVAC-Col & Phm
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: January 1, 1998
- Author:
…just for that culture? Or is it for all believers? Why does Paul seem to treat slavery so lightly in Philemon? In Colossians & Philemon [NIVAC] award winning commentator David…
NIV Application Commentary: Joel, Obadiah, Malachi (David W. Baker)
- Pub ID: NIVAC-Joel, Obad, Mal
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2006
- Author:
…is a message no less timely today than when these books were first written, and David W. Baker skillfully bridges the centuries in helping believers today understand and apply it….
NIV Application Commentary: Letters of John (Gary M. Burge)
- Pub ID: NIVAC-Letters of John
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: January 1, 1996
- Author:
As Burge shows in this commentary, the Johannine community was struggling with internal theological threats that can only be called heretical. “Threats that were once external” – believers in secret…
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT: Luke
- Pub ID: ZECNT-Luke
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: February 1, 2011
- Author:
…main idea for each section. Luke sought to assure believers about the truth of the gospel (1:4) and to advance their understanding of God’s ways in the world as revealed…
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT: Acts
- Pub ID: ZECNT-Acts
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: November 10, 2012
- Author:
…work of the Holy Spirit as the transforming power of the new community of believers. The identity of the church as the community of God, comprised of Jews and Gentiles….
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- Pub ID: ZECNT-1&2Thess
- / Publisher: Zondervan
- / Publish Date: November 11, 2012
- Author:
…Greco-Roman background the bring out the meaning of his letters. He underscores Paul’s work as church-planter and pastor, a man who consciously set himself forth as an example to believers….
NT Library Commentary: 1-3 John (Judith M. Lieu)
- Pub ID: NTL-John Epistles
- / Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press
- Author:
…argue for a bond of unity among believers, based on fidelity to the truth of God. The New Testament Library series offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect…
God’s Inerrant Word: An International Symposium of the Trustworthiness of Scripture
- Pub ID: JWM-Inerrant
- / Publisher: New Reformation Publications
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2015
…it cannot be tested it always remains revelatory and inerrant!… This is just like believers in sea serpents claiming that they appear only when no scientists are present.” (Pg. 31-32)…
Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary: Exalting Jesus in Leviticus (Allan Moseley)
- Pub ID: CCE-Lev
- / Publisher: Broadman & Holman Publishers
- / Publish Date: January 1, 2015
- Author:
Why is the book of Leviticus important for contemporary believers? Taking a Christ-centered approach to expositing the Old Testament’s third text, Allan Moseley explores what the ancient laws in Leviticus…