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UPGRADE to New American Commentary (42 Volumes) from NAC (38 Volumes)
- Pub ID: NAC-42up38
- / Publisher: Broadman & Holman Publishers
- Authors:
…expound the Scriptures. Notable features in each volume include: Commentary based on the New International Version. Sound scholarly methodology reflecting capable research in the original languages. Interpretation emphasizing the theological…
UPGRADE to Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (18 Volumes, 2 Revised) (December 2021) from BECNT (Revised 18 Volumes)
- Pub ID: BECNT-18R2up18R
- / Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
- Authors:
…key themes of each thought unit. Chapter outlines and overviews allow easy entry into the discussion and aid comprehension and recall. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, these commentaries…
UPGRADE to Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (18 Volumes, 2 Revised) (December 2021) from BECNT-17 or BECNT-18
- Pub ID: BECNT-18R2up17or18
- / Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
- Authors:
…includes shaded-text chapter introductions summarizing the key themes of each thought unit. Chapter outlines and overviews allow easy entry into the discussion and aid comprehension and recall. With extensive research…
UPGRADE to Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (18 Volumes, 2 Revised) (December 2021) from BECNT-16
- Pub ID: BECNT-18R2up16
- / Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
- Authors:
…and overviews allow easy entry into the discussion and aid comprehension and recall. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, these commentaries will be valued by students, professors, and pastors…
UPGRADE to Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (18 Volumes, 2 Revised) (December 2021) from BECNT (Original 15 Volumes)
- Pub ID: BECNT-18R2up15
- / Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
- Authors:
…themes of each thought unit. Chapter outlines and overviews allow easy entry into the discussion and aid comprehension and recall. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, these commentaries will…
UPGRADE to NICOT (30 volumes, 9 revised) from NICOT-29R7 (July 2023)
- Pub ID: NICOT-30R9upNICOT-29R7
- / Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans
- Authors:
…as teachers to illumine our understanding of the Old Testament. As gifted writers, they present the results of the best recent research in an interesting manner. Each commentary opens with…
UPGRADE to Hebrew New Testament (Modern Translation) with Strong’s (with Notes) from Untagged MHNT
- Pub ID: MHNTSup
…most words to the Greek New Testament. This allows the user to identify and search for the Greek words underlying the translation, and enables the use of this text for…