Prices in this sale will be valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 3/3/25.

Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: OT (5 Vols) and NT (5 Vols)

Regular Price: $499.99 | Sale Price $299.99 | Buy Now

This product consists of the complete ZIBBC series that brings to life the world of the Bible through informative entries and full-color photos and graphics. ZIBBC is the premier commentary set for connecting with the historical and cultural context of the Bible.

Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Old Testament

Regular Price: $324.99 | Sale Price $219.99 | Buy Now

Many today find the Old Testament a closed book. The cultural issues seem insurmountable and we are easily baffled by that which seems obscure. Furthermore, without knowledge of the ancient culture we can easily impose our own culture on the text, potentially distorting it. This series invites you to enter the Old Testament with a company of guides, experts that will give new insights into these cherished writings.

Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: New Testament (5 Volumes) (With Updated Volume on John)

Regular Price: $224.99 | Sale Price $149.99 | Buy Now

View the New Testament through the eyes of a first-century reader! Based on relevant papyri, inscriptions, archaeological discoveries, and the latest research on Judaism, Roman culture, Hellenism, and other sources, this accessible reference offers a verse-by-verse look at the NT, putting it in its ancient context. 

Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible

Regular Price: $223.99 | Sale Price $134.39 | Buy Now

The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible has been a classic Bible study resource for more than thirty years. Now thoroughly revised, this new five-volume edition provides up-to-date entries based on the latest scholarship. Beautiful full-color pictures supplement the text, which includes new articles in addition to thorough updates and improvements of existing topics. 

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible Notes

Regular Price: $29.99 | Sale Price $17.99 | Buy Now

The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, with notes from Dr. John H. Walton (Wheaton College) in the Old Testament and Dr. Craig S. Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary) in the New Testament, brings to life the ancient world of Scripture for modern readers.

Graphics Learner Collection

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $54.95 | Buy Now

Expanding the old “Graphics Bundle” (the Accordance Atlas 2.2, PhotoGuide-Overview, and Timeline), the Graphics Learner Collection adds the IVP New Bible Atlas, the new Satellite Bible Atlas, Holman’s Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions, the Accordance Gallery of Bible Art (a series of classic paintings illustrating Bible stories), and Bolen’s Views That Have Vanished (a series of color photographs of Israel from the 1960s, before the country’s rapid urbanization and resultant atmospheric haze).

Graphics Discoverer Collection

Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $109.45 | Buy Now

The Graphics Discoverer Collection deepens the graphic resources to include artifacts of biblical times (the Accordance Bible Times PhotoMuseum), many more photos of Israel (Accordance PhotoGuide: Israel Collection), 100 Archaeological Sites and Biblical Landscapes in Israel, Rose’s Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps, and 3D reconstructions and video tours of biblical places in the Virtual Bible resource.

Graphics Pro Collection

Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $219.45 | Buy Now

The Graphics Pro Collection includes individual PhotoGuides for four different regions outside of Israel (Egypt, the Near East, Turkey, and Europe) as well as Accordance’s Picture the NT: A PhotoCommentary. This Collection also includes the Holman Bible Atlas, Rose Guides to the Tabernacle and Temple, and Todd Bolen’s Historic Views of the Holy Land (8 volumes of black and white photos of biblical lands, people, and customs from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century).

Graphics Master Collection (November 2019)

Regular Price: $799 | Sale Price $439.45 | Buy Now

The Graphics Master Collection contains every graphic resource needed to teach Bible and related classes at the university level. It adds the Biblical World in Pictures (the Biblical Archaeology Society’s fourteen sets of slides for biblical and related studies) and three other photo collections: Cultural Images of the Holy LandTrees, Plants, & Flowers of the Holy Land; and Churches and Monasteries in Israel.  It also includes seven illustrated volumes by Carta, centered on Jerusalem and its history. The Virtual Temple (English), which completes this set, is an interactive series of videos, lectures, photographs, and reconstructions of the Temple and Temple Mount.

Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $22.90 | Buy Now

Visualize the sweep of history with the Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition. Much more than just dates on a timeline, the new expanded Timeline presents a colorful tapestry of the rise and fall of civilizations, the spread of world religions, and the wider context of biblical history.

Accordance Picture the New Testament: A PhotoCommentary

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

Picture the New Testament: A PhotoCommentary is designed to help you see the world of the New Testament with your own eyes. While a traditional commentary seeks to explain the meaning of the Bible’s words with still more words, Picture the NT illustrates the biblical text with maps and photographs of biblical locations, relevant archeological finds, even ancient works of art. Display it in parallel with your Bible text, and as you work your way through a passage, you’ll see key words and concepts illustrated in a way that will make the Bible come alive.

Accordance Bible Times PhotoMuseum 3

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $44.95 | Buy Now

New and Expanded with 250 additional articles and nearly 350 new photos, The Accordance Bible Times PhotoMuseum 3 offers an exciting window into the biblical world. Study the culture and religion of the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Canaanites, Hebrews, Hittites, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Examine the tools they used, the houses in which they lived, the weapons with which they fought, and the sacred objects with which they worshiped. Read their inscriptions and learn about their kings and prophets.

Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Set of 6 Collections

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $69.90 | Buy Now

The Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide has been the cornerstone of a number of Accordance’s exclusive graphics tools for well over a decade. This latest PhotoGuide Collection sets a new standard for experiencing biblical sites from the comfort of your armchair (or desk, or favorite corner coffee shop). It’s nearly as close as you can get without traveling to the Holy Land yourself!

Pictorial Library of Bible Lands: Cultural Images of the Holy Land

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands is an 18-volume collection of high-resolution photographs of important biblical and historical sites in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, and other countries. The entire collection includes more than 17,500 high-resolution photographs, all carefully identified and prepared for easy use. The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands includes extensive descriptive explanations. The annotations are the result of many years of research and writing by a professor of biblical geography and archaeology living in Israel.

Churches and Monasteries in Israel

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $34.90 | Buy Now

Churches in Israel are treasures. It is difficult to remain indifferent to the beauty, diversity, and importance of the churches in Israel. The Holy Land has always held great attraction for all of the denominations, streams, and orders of the Christian world.

Pictorial Library of Bible Lands: Trees, Plants, and Flowers of the Holy Land

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands is an 18-volume collection of high-resolution photographs of important biblical and historical sites in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, and other countries. The entire collection includes more than 17,500 high-resolution photographs, all carefully identified and prepared for easy use. The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands includes extensive descriptive explanations. The annotations are the result of many years of research and writing by a professor of biblical geography and archaeology living in Israel.

Bundle of Five Resources from Rose Publishing

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

Rose Publishing produces biblical material with an aim toward making Bible teachings and basic Christian beliefs understandable to everyone. They do this through visually-enhanced, image-rich resources that are sure to enhance sermons and presentations.

Virtual Bible, The (Enhanced): 3D Reconstructions of the Biblical World (Warner, Strange)

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $9.95 | Buy Now

While The Virtual Bible is certainly no replacement for an actual visit to Israel, it will enable you to see things even the trip of a lifetime can’t give you. Using the latest archaeological information and animation technology, Virtual Bible founders, Dan Warner and Jim Strange, along with animator, Joshua Weathers, and consultant, Leen Ritmeyer, have been able to create realistic images as a tool for teaching the Bible in its historical context.

Virtual Tour to the Temple (English version)

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $35.94 | Buy Now

Ever wanted to visit the Holy Land? Or bring it back with you when you returned? The Virtual Tour to the Temple is a wonderful blend of two types of visual media. First is an interactive 360° tour of the Jerusalem Temple based on 100 high-resolution panoramic photos. The second is 40 short video clips of Dr. Randall Price explaining the historic meaning of each site at the site itself. The result is biblically sound, underpinned by the latest research findings, and fascinatingly beautiful.

100 Archaeological Sites and Biblical Landscapes in Israel

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $64.90 | Buy Now

The Bible is filled with detail-rich stories about people in all walks of life. 100 Archaeological Sites and Biblical Landscapes in Israel was designed to show the scenery and places that are mentioned in Scripture as they appear today. There is also information on several important archaeological sites to add to your overall knowledge of biblical history and culture.

Historic Views of the Holy Land: Bible Places – Views That Have Vanished

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $23.94 | Buy Now

In the early 1960s, David Bivin went to study at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Armed with a Yashica-D medium-format camera, Bivin traveled the land of Israel and the surrounding regions taking photographs of biblical sites, archaeological excavations, and everyday scenes. Today these photographs provide a window on a land that has changed radically, as a result of the construction of cities, the Six Day War, and the unification of Jerusalem.

Historic Views of the Holy Land: Bible Places – American Colony Collection

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $84.90 | Buy Now

This Accordance module includes all 8 volumes of The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection of photos from the Historic Views of the Holy Land series published by Bible Places. The module includes all the images in high resolution, together with searchable descriptions, captions, bibliography, and Scripture links.

Atlas of Christian History

Regular Price: $21.90 | Sale Price $13.14 | Buy Now

The Atlas of Christian History is built new from the ground up. Featuring more than fifty new maps, graphics, and timelines, the atlas is a necessary companion to any study of Christian history. Concise, helpful text, written by acknowledged authorities, guide the experience and interpret the visuals. Consciously written for students at any level, the volume is perfect for independent students, as well as those in structured courses.

Carta’s Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $32.90 | Buy Now

Here is the first-ever English translation of the ancient Greek Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea, written in the early 4th century A.D. Presented in parallel with Jerome’s Latin rendering of the same work, it provides an alphabetical listing of place names mentioned in the Bible and identified by the author with contemporary sites. Accompanied by maps and indexes, this book is an indispensable tool for students and scholars alike.

Carta’s New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible

Regular Price: $64.90 | Sale Price $35.90 | Buy Now

A concise version of The Sacred BridgeCarta’s Atlas of the Biblical World, is meant for use by all those who have a love for biblical history. College teachers will find it useful for undergraduates alongside the standard Carta Bible Atlas, which it complements by being more of a historical geography.

Carta Jerusalem Atlas, The (Third Revised & Updated Edition)

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $35.90 | Buy Now

The Carta Jerusalem Atlas is a luxurious atlas which clearly portrays the history of Jerusalem through the ages. Extensive research into the history of Jerusalem has flourished over the past two decades. The ongoing archaeological excavations carried out in the city and its environs have often resulted in new and amazing discoveries, giving us an even better and deeper understanding of the city’s past.

Carta’s Bible History Atlas Study Edition

Regular Price: $16.90 | Sale Price $10.90 | Buy Now

This profusely illustrated Atlas, intended for young readers, tells the full story of the Bible from Genesis to Acts. The 96 maps which illustrate such events as the wanderings of the Patriarchs and the journeys of St. Paul are enhanced by a text written by the renowned British biblical scholar, F. F. Bruce.

Carta’s Illustrated Bible Atlas with Historical Notes

Regular Price: $14.90 | Sale Price $8.90 | Buy Now

This concise and colorful Illustrated Bible Atlas is packed with information on the lands and cities where the events of the Bible took place. To understand them it is necessary to have some knowledge of the historical and geographical setting. This handy Atlas provides just that.

Carta “Understanding” Series (6 Introductory Atlases)

Regular Price: $89.90 | Sale Price $53.94 | Buy Now

This set of six (6) volumes includes introductory atlases that cover the entire Bible. In addition to modules specific to the Old Testament and the New Testament, this series also includes modules which introduce biblical archaeology and geography as well as kingdoms and individuals.