Tag: Sale


Accordance 10 Roundup: Starter Collection

| [email protected]

If you are thinking about purchasing a new Accordance 10 Collection, you might be wondering which Collection is right for you. It’s an understandable question, as each Accordance Collection includes dozens, if not hundreds, of modules. To help you in your decision process, I thought it might be helpful to write a series of blog […]


Politics According to the Bible?

| David Lang

Voting in a democratic society is an inestimable privilege, but at times it can seem like an overwhelming burden. Every election season, I must decide where I stand on a wide variety of issues I know woefully little about. Suddenly I find myself wishing I were an expert in economics, ethics, environmental science, international diplomacy, […]


Who Says Breakin' Up is Hard to Do?

| David Lang

With all due respect to Neil Sedaka, breaking up isn’t really that hard to do, and sometimes it can be a good thing. No, I’m not talking about the tragic end of an Accordance for iPad initiated church romance, but the breaking up of a large commentary set into individual volumes. That’s just what we’ve […]


400 Years of KJV, Bibles Cheap or Free

| David Lang

Today marks the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible in 1611. If you’re looking for a good way to observe the event, I recommend reading the Translators’ Preface, which most of you should already have as an Accordance General Tool. Aside from the Elisabethan (or is that Jamesian?) English, it […]

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