Sale Prices Last Through 11:59 PM (Eastern) 8/12/24

BDAG and HALOT Add-on

Regular Price: $239 | Sale Price $179 | Buy Now

A special bundle of the third edition of the Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament edited by Frederick William Danker (BDAG) and the Koehler-Baumgartner Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon (HALOT). This combination of our top lexicons for Greek and Hebrew provides the best resources at an attractive price.

Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG) (3rd Edition)

Regular Price: $150 | Sale Price $129 | Buy Now

The long-awaited third edition of the Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament edited by Frederick William Danker, needs no introduction as it is the standard lexicon for Greek New Testament studies.

Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) (5 volumes)

Regular Price: $159 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now

The standard modern English dictionary for Biblical Hebrew is based on the third edition of the Lexicon of Koehler and Baumgartner, widely acclaimed as the most up-to-date complete dictionary for the Old Testament and related literature.

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (Volumes 1-15) (Revised Edition)

Regular Price: $799 | Sale Price $149 | Buy Now

This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

TDOT Volume XVI: Aramaic Dictionary

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

Volume XVI concludes the monumental, critically-acclaimed Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament with an Aramaic dictionary.

TDOT Volume XVII: Index

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

This useful resource, which concludes the illustrious Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, provides TDOT users with an index to all sixteen previous volumes. The first part of this volume indexes keywords in Hebrew, Aramaic, and English, while the second part indexes all textual references—both biblical and extrabiblical.

Theological Dictionary of NT, Complete (Big Kittel)

Regular Price: $249 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now

This monumental reference work, complete in ten volumes, is the authorized and unabridged translation of the famous Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, known commonly as “Big Kittel” and considered by many scholars to be the best New Testament Dictionary ever compiled.

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Little Kittel)

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

One of the most widely respected theological dictionaries put into one-volume, abridged form – “Little Kittel.” Abridged from the nine-volume work of this name edited by Kittel and Friedrich, this 1985 abridged and updated edition by Geoffrey W. Bromiley includes the best of the original massive scholarship.

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (3 vols.)

Regular Price: $679 | Sale Price $407.40 | Buy Now

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines contributing to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. The EAGLL offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of Ancient Greek, comprising detailed descriptions of the language from Proto-Greek to koine.

Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (4 vols.)

Regular Price: $399 | Sale Price $239.40 | Buy Now

The Hebrew language has one of the longest attested histories of any of the world’s languages, with records of its use from antiquity until modern times. Although it ceased to be a spoken language by the 2nd century C.E., Hebrew continued to be used and to develop in the form of a literary and liturgical language until its revival as a vernacular in the 20th century.

Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (complete 8 volumes)

Regular Price: $349 | Sale Price $199 | Buy Now

Unlike previous dictionaries, which have been dictionaries of Biblical Hebrew, this is the first dictionary of the classical Hebrew language to include the Bible, Ben Sira, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and all the other known Hebrew inscriptions and manuscripts.

Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

The CDCH thus contains not only the c. 8400 Hebrew words found in the standard dictionaries, but also a further 3340+ words (540 from the Dead Sea Scrolls, 680 from other ancient Hebrew literature, and 2120+ proposed words for the Hebrew Bible not previously recognized by dictionaries). All the words in the full Dictionary of Classical Hebrew are to be found in the CDCH.

Liddell & Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon Complete 9th Edition (no supplement)

Regular Price: $129 | Sale Price $64.90 | Buy Now

Liddell & Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon (Liddell-Scott-Jones or LSJ) is the most comprehensive and up-to-date ancient Greek dictionary in the world. Used by every student of ancient Greek in the English-speaking world, the dictionary covers every surviving ancient Greek author and text discovered up to 1940, from the Pre-Classical Greek of Homer and Hesiod to Classical Greek to the Hellenistic Period, including the Greek Old and New Testaments.

Complete Word Study Dictionary OT & NT Combo

Regular Price: $79.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

This dictionary offers definitions and explanations for every word used in the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. Each entry is identified by a number from Strong’s Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible and Greek Dictionary so that readers can make great use of the information that is given about each word, even if they have no working knowledge of Hebrew or Greek.

Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $34.90 | Buy Now

This extensive, scholarly work includes discussions of every Hebrew word of theological significance in the Old Testament, plus brief definitions of all other words found in Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. This book has been a longtime favorite of Bible students.

Beginning Biblical Hebrew (Futato)

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $34.90 | Buy Now

Achieving the right balance of amount of information, style of presentation, and depth of instruction in first-year grammars is no easy task. But Mark Futato has produced a grammar that, after years of testing in a number of institutions, will please many, with its concise, clear, and well-thought-out presentation of Biblical Hebrew.

First Hebrew Primer (Third Edition)

Regular Price: $79.90 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

The First Hebrew Primer is a simple, straightforward guide to Biblical Hebrew. Thirty lessons provide enough information and practice to enable you, with the aid of a Hebrew-English dictionary, to understand most biblical texts. The goal of the Primer is to teach students to read and understand Biblical Hebrew as quickly as possible; therefore, the lessons emphasize recognition and translation – not memorization.

Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $34.90 | Buy Now

This highly acclaimed Hebrew grammar by Bruce K. Waltke and Michael Patrick O’Connor is already a classic. In this textbook for use after first year Hebrew grammar, the authors integrate the results of modern linguistic study of Hebrew and years of teaching experience.

Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar

Regular Price: $49.90 | Sale Price $24.90 | Buy Now

One of the most comprehensive books on the Hebrew language, it covers all aspects, including word roots and derivatives, prefixes and suffixes, syntax and pronunciation. Filled with features, like historical background on the Hebrew language and grammar, this is an indispensable resource for the study of ancient languages and Biblical texts.

Biblia Hebraica with Westminster Hebrew Morph 4

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

The complete text of the Hebrew Bible, following the Biblia Hebraica Leningradensis, with the Groves-Wheeler Westminster Hebrew Morphology 4.20. This module includes vowel pointing, cantillation marks, and lemma and grammatical tagging information for each word in the text. The text is almost identical to the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.

Grammatical Syntax add-on to HMT-W4

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $38.90 | Buy Now

This Hebrew Syntax module was developed from the ground up for Accordance. It adds several features and enhancements, allowing you to:

  • View a color-coded Hebrew syntax tree in parallel with your Bible
  • Hover over HMT-W4 words to see their syntactical tags in Instant Details
  • Search the HMT-W4 using syntactical tags
  • Drag and drop syntactical tags within the Hebrew Construct window

Hebrew Old Testament Audio

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

The Bible Society in Israel is proud to present the new release of this high quality audio Bible production of the Old Testament. Voices of various biblical characters are all performed by Hebrew native speakers. A valuable tool for learning Hebrew.

Stevens New Testament Greek (Second Edition)

Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

This fully-illustrated, integrated grammar by Gerald L. Stevens for the beginner and intermediate student has become a proven textbook in religion courses since its publication in 1997.

Stevens Greek Workbook: A Companion to the Accordance Module

Regular Price: $29.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

Teaching New Testament Greek for almost thirty years, Stevens has traveled widely overseas to bring a rich knowledge of Greek, the New Testament world, and practical classroom pedagogy to the table to make this workbook an eminently useful tool for acquiring a working knowledge of New Testament Greek in its first-century context.

Fundamentals of New Testament Greek (Porter, Reed & O’Donnell): Grammar & Workbook

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

“We know that this book works and will take students to a level not often achieved through other beginning textbooks.” So say Stanley Porter and his coauthors in the preface to their Fundamentals of New Testament Greek — an ambitious, comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.

An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon (Liddell and Scott)

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $29.90 | Buy Now

This module is an intermediate abridgement of the Liddell & Scott’s Complete Greek Lexicon (LSJ) and covers Classical and Patristic Greek as well as Biblical Greek.

Grammatical Syntax add-on to GNT28-T

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $38.90 | Buy Now

This Greek Syntax module was developed from the ground up for Accordance. It adds several features and enhancements, allowing you to:

  • View a color-coded Greek syntax tree in parallel with your Bible
  • Hover over GNT28-T words to see their syntactical tags in Instant Details
  • Search the GNT28-T using syntactical tags
  • Drag and drop syntactical tags within the Greek Construct window

Greek Diagrams

Regular Price: $59.90 | Sale Price $38.90 | Buy Now

This impressive database of diagrams was built from the ground up to work with Accordance. It includes prepared diagrams of the Greek New Testament that scroll in sync with your Bible by verse reference.

The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge (with Apparatus and Tagging)

Regular Price: $39.90 | Sale Price $19.90 | Buy Now

The Greek New Testament is priceless in its value as it is how God has given us his revelation of the gospel and of Jesus Christ. While a few trusted Greek texts are in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was adopted by academics in 1975.

Greek New Testament Audio (John Schwandt)

Regular Price: $69.90 | Sale Price $39.90 | Buy Now

A reading of the Greek New Testament (USB4 / NA27) with Erasmian style pronunciation by John Schwandt. This particular text is preferred by scholars worldwide and is the basis for most of the major translations, making it an excellent tool for biblical language students and professors, pastors, laypeople and anyone else who will appreciate this unique listening experience.

Dead Sea Scrolls Complete Texts Add-on

Regular Price: $569 | Sale Price $289 | Buy Now

Accordance offers a wealth of resources for the study of the Qumran and other Dead Sea Scrolls documents. This bundle contains all the Dead Sea Scrolls modules (as of November 2015) including the DSS Images.

Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Regular Price: $149 | Sale Price $74.90 | Buy Now

The Dead Sea Scrolls have been the object of intense interest in recent years, not least because of the release of previously unpublished texts from Qumran Cave 4 since the fall of 1991. With the wealth of new documents that have come to light, the field of Qumran studies has undergone a renaissance.

Dead Sea Scrolls English Texts Add-on with DSS Index

Regular Price: $99.90 | Sale Price $49.90 | Buy Now

Accordance offers a wealth of resources for the study of the Qumran and other Dead Sea Scrolls documents.

Liturgical Works: Eerdmans Commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls

Regular Price: $28.90 | Sale Price $14.90 | Buy Now

Shedding light on a period of Jewish history whose ritual life formerly lay almost entirely in darkness, this volume makes–and subsequent ECDSS volumes will make–a valuable contribution to our understanding of the biblical world.

Ugaritic Bundle (UGAR-T + Ugaritic Data Bank)

Regular Price: $199 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now

This bundle includes:

  • Ugaritic Data Bank: The texts excavated since 1928 at Ugarit (present day Ras-Shamra on the Syrian coast). Written in alphabetic cuneiform. The texts are presented in Latin transliteration with contextual data, bibliography, and copious comments.
  • Ugaritic (tagged): The transliterated text from the Cunchillos Ugaritic database with full morphological tagging. An English translation is included together with introductory Notes. A detailed apparatus is also planned.