Hebrew Old Testament Audio

Prod ID: Hebrew Audio-OT
Price: $59.90

Requires Accordance 11.1 or above.

The Bible Society in Israel is proud to present the new release of this high quality audio Bible production of the Old Testament. Voices of various biblical characters are all performed by Hebrew native speakers. A valuable tool for learning Hebrew.

This professional recording will be a great blessing to any and all who listen to it.

If you already know Hebrew or are currently learning Hebrew, this product will provide a great asset to grasping the Hebrew language as you can listen and follow along with the Old Testament Hebrew text.

This product contains two different modules:

  • Hebrew Audio-OT Chapters: Formatted by chapter divisions
  • Hebrew Audio-OT Verses: Formatted by verse divisions

You may also be interested in the audio of the Hebrew New Testament (text of the Modern Hebrew New Testament).

Hebrew Old Testament Audio
Publisher: The Bible Society in Israel

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
CommentariesHebrew Audio-OT ChaptersHebrew Old Testament Audio (Chapters)N/A
CommentariesHebrew Audio-OT VersesHebrew Old Testament Audio (Verses)N/A

Where to Find

Hebrew Old Testament Audio is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl13-HebrewProHebrew Pro Collection1149
Primary CollectionsColl12-HebrewProHebrew Pro Collection (Accordance 12)999.00
Add-on BundlesBW Crossover-Adv 10 add-onBibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Advanced Add-on to Basic Package (For BibleWorks Version 10)189.00
Add-on BundlesBW Crossover-Adv 10 add-on_2BibleWorks Crossover: Accordance 12 Advanced Add-on to Basic Package (For BibleWorks Version 10) (June 2018)189.00
Add-on BundlesBW Crossover13-Adv 10 Add-onStudent/Scholar Biblical Language Advanced Add-on (Previously BibleWorks Advanced Add-on)499


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